Wow what system are you using? Our Sites have over 1000 CFM files that do
the balance of the application. Thats just one of our services, the others
are getting there too. And i can tell you that we have a *unnoticeable*
increase in load on the box or even lag on member boxes with people who
still have 28.8K connections. And as for calling Fusebox a fad i think you
are just being silly, i mean whats a fad..a fad was people who used to walk
around with bright PINK fanny packs, now thats a fad, why is FUSEBOX not a

Well i'm glad you asked, Fusebox is not a fad because what it is, is a
Development Methodology that was developed to help RAD (Rapid Application
Development) which it does by making everything uniform to where you will
always know where to look for things, and it even helps when you still use
uniform naming conventions.

> > We now only use it when clients insist that
> > they want their applications built around it (usually they've heard a
> > little about Fusebox and think it's cutting-edge so they want it without
> > really understanding it).

I think that client want that because they are smart and forward thinking
because they want there application to be able to be maintained by another
developer much more easily then with other styles of coding.

However, a poorly-designed or
> poorly-written application may benefit from Fusebox because then it will
> be somewhat easier for later programmers to come in and fix it.  I would
> only recommend that a new application be written Fusebox-style if it is
> going to be very large and complex, there will be a lot of developers
> working on the application, and if many of those developers are
> ColdFusion beginners (and then only if you ignore the terrible
> filenaming conventions).

And again i have seen many companies who use FUSEBOX and are large, as well
as our own which is large and we use standard naming conventions and we
still find it a good idea to use the methology. But its nice to see you
saying that people who use Fusebox will be writting poor code and
applications in essence.

>That's because Fusebox does have some value in
> making the page-flow logic easier to follow for people who are not
> familiar with all of the application, or who are CF beginners.  That's
> its only significant advantage.

I would highly disagree with the fact you say Fusebox is only for CF
Beginners, if you want i can give you the url and you can go
read through its pros and cons and then come back and we'll compare with
your list here =). You'll find alot more Pros then cons.
Next time sit and think before you start talking about things that you are
apparently not
very well versed in

Bill Wheatley
Director of Development
Allaire Certified ColdFusion Developer
Allaire ColdFusion Consulting Partner
954-472-6684 X303
ICQ: 417645

> > Original message:
> > ===========Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 17:35:26 -0600
> > From: "Craig Bowes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: fusebox
> > Message-ID: <005801c045ee$becf3f00$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Yes!  Fusebox rocks.  It has made my code smaller, more manageable, more
> >
> > reuseable and easier to understand while being loose enough to let me do
> >
> > whatever I need to get the job done.  I HIGHLY recommend fusebox to any
> > CFDeveloper.  It is based on Object Oriented Concepts that standard
> > desktop
> > programming environments have had for years but which web development
> > hasn't
> > been really able to take advantage of.
> >
> >   The new job I am at has adopted it as company policy because of me and
> > so
> > did my last job.  Also, fUseML is pretty useful although I am still
> > learning
> > it.  They have a book published on Fusebox and fuseml that looks pretty
> > good.  The print version hasn't been shipped yet but if you buy it you
> > get
> > the .PDF version pretty quick and then the print later.
> >
> > go to
> >
> > -Craig Bowes
> > Coldfusion Programmer
> > 972.243.1171
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "CF-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 2:53 PM
> > Subject: fusebox
> >
> >
> > > Is anyone out there using the fusebox methodology?
> > >
> > > I have recently started this position here and I am the Cold Fusion
> > lead
> > and
> > > I was toying with the idea of recommending that we use the Fusebox
> > method
> > > for the complete REdeployment of our corporate Intranet.
> > >
> > >
> > > any feedback is well appreciated.
> > >
> > > chris.alvarado
> > > cold.fusion - developer
> > > [phone] 512.794.6563
> > > [email] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > [web]
> > >
> >
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