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Bill Wheatley
Director of Development
Allaire ColdFusion Consulting Partner
Allaire Certified ColdFusion Developer
ICQ: 417645
954-472-6684 X303

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen M Aylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: fusebox

> Karl,
> Certainly FB coding methods are NOT obligatory - nor for everyone - thats
> for sure.  You opinions are as well valued.  No problems there.  I just
> your perspective quite interesting - as it seems so... contrary to sooo
> other folks.  Maybe no one else other than you and Dave Watts has the
> "loinal fortitude" to stand up and say so - tho Im sure there are many
> others.
> Its rather contrary also to quite a few peeps on these lists that - well
> frankly - are not at all CF Beginners (I am a beginner - and I found FB
> quite helpful - but thats neither here nor there)
> Maybe, ..... not to try and start a whole new "ADVANTA" methodology or
> anything like that ... but maybe - since you guys find Fusebox to suck
> monkey ass so bad, you could discuss some of the code | design
> you and your team decided on that kicked FB's arse - up down and sideways.
> Surely the community could benefit a great deal from a methodology thats
> far superior?
> At least Dave Watts provides constructive criticism that discusses real
> examples where their situations arent conducive to FB style (though there
> also some debate on this as well - sorta)  In any event - most of the
anti -
> FB arguments have held much water -  as it were "Good Codes works fine all
> by itself and no need for FB .... doesnt really get it.
> So what were your alternatives??
> What werkz better?
> How would you improve the file naming conventions?
> What would you keep?
> Please tell me it sucks for a better reason the the file naming!!!?
> I dont recall there being a giant plea/demand/cry - to run out and
> everything one does or did in FB? .... and FAD?  Javascript animations ...
> now theres a FAD.
> Stephen M. Aylor
> iiinsurex
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Karl Simanonok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: fusebox
> >
> >
> > > Like I said: we've used Fusebox (you found proof), and having done so,
> > > discovered that any benefits it may have are marginal at best.  That
> > > doesn't mean we're going to rewrite everything we've done in it!  I've
> > > still got old Perl code running from before CF was born (and somebody
> > > might even ask me to write some more someday), but it doesn't mean I'm
> > > Perl fan of any kind.
> > >
> > > I forgot to acknowledge another Fusebox 'benefit' yesterday: since it
> > > increases development time, you get to pad your clients' bills by
> > > it.  ;)
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Karl S.
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