as he said... he's using a specific plugin that's commercial.  so, yeah :)

On 6/27/07, Greg Luce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alright, this thread got me to open CFE back up after more than a week. Like
> I said earlier, is there a licensing problem with Brian setting up Eclipse
> how he does with all his bells and whistles and releasing it as the Brian
> Kotek Signature Edition or something?
> Greg
> On 6/27/07, Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I wasn't referring to Mark at all...that was directed at the
> > > people responding to bug reports for Eclipse.  Instead of
> > > basically telling everyone with Vista they are SOL because
> > > the zipping protocol they use or something within how they
> > > zip their files doesn't work in Vista...they should be trying
> > > to fix that issue so that it is compatible with Vista...even
> > > if it is a limitation coming from Vista.  By telling everyone
> > > tough crap...I'm not doing squat about's a Vista
> > > issue and it is MS's problem, not theirs...that is a piss
> > > poor attitude.  I can't imagine Symantec, Yahoo, or any other
> > > software company just say...tough crap...Vista users are just
> > > SOL...and anyone expect them to stay in business for long.
> > > Now granted Eclipse is free...but free does ensure success
> > > when they are being rude or acting like small children in
> > > anti-MS mode.
> >
> > If you can't imagine any other software company would just say "tough
> > crap",
> > you have been amazingly lucky. I get told "tough crap" all the time from
> > vendors who were happy to sell me things and take my money. Sometimes,
> > vendors won't even answer your questions without a support contract, and
> > then when you do get one, their answer is "that doesn't work" or "maybe in
> > the next release".
> >
> > I could list just the times that's happened this week - and it's only
> > Wednesday - but it's making me angry just thinking about it, and I'd
> > probably regret it later. Oh, well, here's a golden oldie from earlier
> > this
> > year. DST 2007 support for Exchange 5.5 - Microsoft says "tough crap,
> > unless
> > you want to pay us upward of $5k for a DLL that we have".
> >
> > And when "tough crap" boils down to "use Winzip", that's not really
> > putting
> > you out too much.
> >
> > Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> >
> >
> > Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> > instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
> > Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
> > Visit for more information!
> >
> > This email has been processed by SmoothZap -
> >
> >
> >

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