Go write your own integration with Exchange and evaluate those man hours ...

On 31/07/07, Dale Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have to agree that I have never had issues selling the benefits of CF and
> ROI, it's actually an easy sell.
> I just purely don't understand the price hike, in a market where software is
> becoming less expensive and also free, a 25% increase is unjustified unless
> there is some new feature that they have included that requires them to
> licence in third party products.
> Why this has added a Nail to the Coffin is because they have hurt the
> enterprise market, if I want to develop a large enterprise scale
> application, which requires multiple servers etc, etc. ColdFusion is simply
> too expensive and I will use something else.
> Instead of buying Enterprise I will now (have already) buy Standard.
> PS: If someone would like to explain to me the price difference between
> download and boxed, i'd love to hear that story also. In Australia here an
> Enterprise box is only $1,104, it must be really shiny.
> Regards
> Dale Fraser
> http://dalefraser.blogspot.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rey Bango [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, 31 July 2007 4:46 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Adobe Nails ColdFusion Cofin
> I completely disagree with this statement Andy. Part of being a
> consultant is selling your solution and if a person can't effectively do
> that, then they shouldn't be in the consulting business at all.
> What I've seen over the time I've been involved with ColdFusion is less
> people that are interested or willing to sell a solution as opposed to
> making their $30-50/hr as a contractor. If thats what person wants to
> do, then they might be better of choosing a tool like PHP or .Net. But
> in my experience, selling customers on ColdFusion, even when I've had to
> explain the ROI, has not been an issue. I really believe people
> underestimate the intelligence of prospects and thats just not good
> business.
> Rey...
> Andy Matthews wrote:
> > Rick...
> >
> > You make compelling arguments. But IMO, if you have to explain the ROI to
> > someone, then you've already lost the battle....

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