
Your facts need review

> Ben did not say that anyone argued for *lower* prices. I expect
several people argued for even higher prices than we got.

I never said he did, I said everyone who might have fought for a lower

> Well, you should have bought maintenance then, shouldn't you? :)

Wrong, CF7 came out more than 2 years ago so everyone who bought a
subscription with CF7 release wasted their money.

> Dude, I've been an enterprise systems architect for decades helping
large corporates with planning and budgets for software and

Yes I've managed multi million dollar projects, but you seem to think you
are the only one to be a real enterprise customer, and you just skipped over
the whole budgeting process that I was talking about.

Dale Fraser

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 1 August 2007 3:31 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Adobe Nails ColdFusion Cofin

On 7/31/07, Dale Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for your response. I understand that it's not your decision and
> there are factors that impact pricing. I also understand that not everyone
> who might have fought for a lower price can always win, it's good that you
> had an opportunity to voice your opinion.

Ben did not say that anyone argued for *lower* prices. I expect
several people argued for even higher prices than we got.

> As I said in the original post CF8 is a great product and I have purchased
> it already. I purchased Standard however when I had budget for Enterprise,
> the 25% increase done at launch gave me no opportunity to budget or plan
> this expenditure.

Well, you should have bought maintenance then, shouldn't you? :)

> I mainly get upset due to the fact that CF is always being compared to
> products, PHP, .NET & Java and I constantly have to justify the price

Change the comparison. It should not be about technologies, it should
be about solutions.

> I can't imagine they will sell more Enterprise because if it's more
> expensive people will think it's a real Enterprise product. You say I
> understand the enterprise market, well you are wrong

No, I'm right. You are wrong. If you were truly an enterprise customer
- buying enterprise software (as opposed to a customer that happened
to buy Enterprise Edition), you would be only too aware that CF is
extremely cheap and looks out of place on many infrastructure plans.
The higher price will be easier to sell to enterprises. Personally, I
think it's still too cheap. I think $9,995 for 2 CPUs would be a
better price for enterprise infrastructure budgets.

> If you understood enterprise's you would surely know that budgets
> and plans for expenditure need to be submitted at the start of the

Dude, I've been an enterprise systems architect for decades helping
large corporates with planning and budgets for software and
infrastructure. I understand the enterprise market very well. I moved
to America because a company wanted my organization to pick up "small"
contracts... ones that involved less than $1m of licenses for their
software. I think the smallest software project we took on was $375k.
Mostly they were around $750k. At one point we created a *prototype*
for a European company where the budget was 750k GBP. For a
*prototype*! The second phase of the project was a multi-million pound
project (which they took to another company and, after they'd failed -
and cost them millions - they brought the project back to us).

Half a dozen CF Enterprise licenses would have been lost in the line
items in most of those projects.

> PS: Everyone will be very interested now in where they can find clear info
> on how the standard features are throttled ... Does such a document exist?

If you read the product documentation, this is all very clearly explained.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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