
I am not sure if it is true that Fed Govt will say no to any open source. We
are using FarCry here on one of our largest public website for a Federal
Govt Agency.



On Jan 31, 2008 2:42 PM, Scott Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The feds general rule on Open Source is "no".
> Exceptions being Apache, Sendmail and the like because either they offer
> paid support or there's a third party authority who can provide support.
> I've downloaded FarCry, I'll play with it, but they really want something
> retail..
> --
> Scott Stewart
> ColdFusion Developer
> SSTWebworks
> 4405 Oakshyre Way
> Raleigh, NC. 27616
> (919) 874-6229 (home)
> (703) 220-2835 (cell)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 12:55 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Paperthin's Commonspot
> >For my needs FarCry is out of the question because it's open source (most
> >federal agencies poo poo anything that's open source off the bat, because
> of
> >support issues).
> Actually, that's not a completely accurate statement.  The Daemonites have
> released FarCry to the public under an open source license, true.
>  However,
> most of the work done to the FarCry core is paid for by their clients.
> Support, training, implementation, modification can all be obtained
> through
> Daemon.  It's like other commercial offerings this way, but I'd venture a
> guess that Daemon is more willing to help when it comes to system
> modification.
> Now, will it meet your requirements the same way as CommonSpot?  Depends
> on
> your needs.  My understanding of CommonSpot is that it makes importing
> existing content easy (at least according the docs).  You can use a
> editor to modify templates (again, from what I saw in the docs).  You can
> have a single authoring server and multiple front ends.  These are things
> that FarCry does not do (yet).
> I'm curious about this myself.  I'll be meeting one of Dave Watt's team
> members in the near future for a CommonSpot install.  However, I'm only
> responsible for the machine it resides on.  I'll not be doing any
> development on it.
> Matthew Williams
> Geodesic GraFX

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