Makes sense.  Thanks for the explanation, Ian!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 11:25 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Waaahhhh! Why won't my CFC work!
> Rick Faircloth wrote:
> Read inline.
> > Thanks for the info, Matt.
> >
> > I think I've got a handle on those methods.
> >
> > One thing I still haven't been able to get to work
> > is setting up an "init" function for my db in a cfc.
> >
> > Can you explain how that work and show me an example
> > of the code I need to put in a cfc.
> >
> > I tried this that someone gave me:
> >
> > <cffunction name="init">
> >     <cfargument name="dsn">
> >     <cfset variables.dsn = arguments.dsn />
> >     <cfreturn this>
> > </cffunction>
> >
> > But that doesn't make sense to me.  My dsn is set
> > in application.cfm like so:  cfset application.dsn = "myDB".
> > So why, "variables.dsn" above?
> >
> The 'variables' scope inside of a CFC is the private, global scope of
> the component.  Data in this scope is accessible to any function or code
> inside the CFC but not by anything outside the CFC, i.e. the calling
> page.  The 'this' scope is also global, but it is also public meaning
> that it can be read and modified by code outside of the CFC.  Many
> people consider this to be poor encapelization of data and recommend
> against using it.  They also recommended that a component should not use
> data that is not contained with-in it.  So it is considered poor
> practice to have a component rely on something like the application
> scope.  So most of us would pass the data in, often with this defacto
> constructor function named 'init' so that it is contained within the
> object and does not rely on outside data.
> You can have trouble with things like the application scope when you
> move CFC to different places in the file system so that the may not be
> under the 'application' has ColdFusion sees it and thus does not have
> access to that application scope anymore.
> > I just don't understand what the code is doing.
> > Why is variables.dsn being set to be the value of
> > arguments.dsn?  And what exactly does "cfreturn this" do?
> >
> Arguments is the scope of the data passed in with the function call.  By
> transferring it to the variables scope allows for this data to pesist
> for the life of the component, beyond the end of this function call.
> The return this returns 'this' instigated component to the calling code
> so that it can be stored and used later.

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