Thanks for the info and code, Matt.
I'll try out your example and see what happens.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 11:32 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Waaahhhh! Why won't my CFC work!
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Rick Faircloth
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can you explain how that work and show me an example
> > of the code I need to put in a cfc.
> >
> > I tried this that someone gave me:
> >
> > <cffunction name="init">
> >        <cfargument name="dsn">
> >        <cfset variables.dsn = arguments.dsn />
> >        <cfreturn this>
> > </cffunction>
> >
> > But that doesn't make sense to me.  My dsn is set
> > in application.cfm like so:  cfset application.dsn = "myDB".
> > So why, "variables.dsn" above?
> >
> > I just don't understand what the code is doing.
> > Why is variables.dsn being set to be the value of
> > arguments.dsn?  And what exactly does "cfreturn this" do?
> >
> The idea here is to keep you cfc separate from the application so it
> is more re-usable. It is good practice to not reference application
> scope (or form or session, etc.) directly in your cfc (there are
> always exceptions to this, as Tom mentioned a facade earlier). But in
> keeping it simple, this init function is receiving the dsn as an
> argument and putting it in the variables scope so that the cfc does
> not have any knowledge of the application scope.
> When you do <cfset myNewInstance =
> createObject('component','myObj').init(application.dsn) /> that is
> telling the server to create a new instance. This instance will be put
> in the server memory. By using <cfreturn this />, the instance is
> returned to whatever calls it. In other words, the variable
> "myNewInstance" holds a reference to that object.
> If you have the basic setup working, try a cfdump on myObj.
> <cfset myObj = createObject('component','myObj').init(application.dsn) />
> <cfdump var="#myObj#" />
> You'll see what looks like a structure output of all the methods
> defined for that object. Some folks like to also add a "dump" method
> to their cfcs.
> <cffunction name="dump">
> <cfreturn variables />
> </cffunction>
> With that, you can do this:
> <cfdump var="#myObj.dump()#" />
> That will show you the values that are held within the variables scope
> (doing this you will also see each function definition).
> I just got Ian's post. He explains the different scopes.
> I think one of the main things you'll need to grasp first is that when
> you create this object, it exists in memory and holds data and
> functions with which you can interact. Because of this, you'll want to
> think about what scope an object should exist within. An object that
> holds information specific to one user makes sense to be in session
> scope. But an object that can be used by many users should probably be
> in application scope. This is one of the advantages Object Oriented
> programming. Otherwise you are just creating and destroying objects
> for every request and may as well do it inline or with cfincluded
> files.
> Hope that helps. Keep the questions coming though. There are also many
> blog entries on some of these basics. Adrian Moreno's blog comes to
> mind first. He did a whole series.
> --
> Matt Williams
> "It's the question that drives us."

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