>My point regarding cfeclipse is that it works really, REALLY well

CFeclipse has been buggy (for lack of a better term) for me. It's also a
real pain to integrate with source safe.  I really do like CFEclipse when it
works. And if Adobe can offer the same or better,  without the bugs and
support it, then I'd be willing to pay for it.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Craig Dudley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That would be me :p
> Persoanlly I don't care whether they charge me for the server or the IDE,
> or perhaps even both as long as it's only roughly the same amount in total.
> I'm in the rather unique position of having one server licence and need of
> only one IDE.
> My point regarding cfeclipse is that it works really, REALLY well. So why
> should we I pay for something which seems at first glance to be very similar
> (at least in my mind). It's going to have to have some awesome extra
> features to make me part with my hard earned cash, I ssupect many other
> cfeclipse users feel the same.
> Craig.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 8:50 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: IDE announced: IDE/Compiler Business Model
> On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 12:37 PM, Robert Harrison <
> > > If anything they should charge $500 for an IDE and give away ColdFusion
> > for free
> >
> > That is so much better of a business model. The main problem selling CF
> web
> > sites is the cost to deploy a site. Too much of the burden is going to
> the
> > site owners or hosts.
> >
> > What they should do is give away a free CFSERVER runtime that only runs
> > compiled code and sell the IDE/compiler to developers. The whole business
> > model is backwards the way it is now, and it's definitely hurting sales.
> > Developers are always willing to pay for an IDE/compiler. And that would
> > also solve the whole issue the need to encrypt CFcode before deploying to
> > an
> > unfamiliar ISP's server.
> >
> > I love CF and would really like to see Adobe fix this business model. It
> > would definitely be better for the whole CF community and would make CF a
> > more competitive solution.
> >
> I'm always curious when people make such definitive statements...
> - it's definitely hurting sales
> Do people really think that a corporation as large as Adobe makes decisions
> in a vacuum?  I'm not saying a big corporation is always right, but I'd
> tend
> to think that the people making the decisions have more information at
> their
> disposal and do take the information into consideration.
> - Developers are always willing to pay for an IDE/compiler
> Really?  In the thread on the recently-announced CF IDE (the thread that
> spawned this one), one developer unequivocally stated, "if it's more than
> $0, i'll stick with CFEclipse".
> As developers, we're passionate people.  We make statements based more on
> emotion than fact.  I believe there's less emotion in the board rooms where
> these decisions are made, and the decision-makers have a wealth of
> information at their disposal that we as outsiders are simply not aware of.
> It's easy for us to look at specific decisions as they affect us as
> developers and/or business owners and lose sight of the fact that there's a
> bigger picture out there.
> --
> I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
> wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

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