While sales might be getting hurt right now due to the cost of the product.
 The product must be selling well enough for them since they are clearly
continuing to invest in it via making new versions.  My only complaint is
the need to run Enterprise for Oracle support out of the box when everything
else about Professional is fine enough for some project needs. That is only
a complaint of mine right now because just ran through the argument on two
pre-existing projects and the need to upgrade their versions of CF to CF8
from CF6.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:37 PM, Robert Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

> > If anything they should charge $500 for an IDE and give away ColdFusion
> for free
> That is so much better of a business model. The main problem selling CF web
> sites is the cost to deploy a site. Too much of the burden is going to the
> site owners or hosts.
> What they should do is give away a free CFSERVER runtime that only runs
> compiled code and sell the IDE/compiler to developers. The whole business
> model is backwards the way it is now, and it's definitely hurting sales.
> Developers are always willing to pay for an IDE/compiler. And that would
> also solve the whole issue the need to encrypt CFcode before deploying to
> an
> unfamiliar ISP's server.
> I love CF and would really like to see Adobe fix this business model. It
> would definitely be better for the whole CF community and would make CF a
> more competitive solution.
> Robert B. Harrison
> Director of Interactive services
> Austin & Williams
> 125 Kennedy Drive, Suite 100 Hauppauge NY 11788
> T : 631.231.6600 Ext. 119
> F : 631.434.7022
> www.austin-williams.com
> Great advertising can't be either/or... It must be &.

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