So I've mentioned it before... I have this site that's experiencing
15-20 seconds of "slow" every 12-17 minutes... depending on how busy
the site is.  It's not "standardized" enough for me to think it's
related to any kind of scheduled tasks on either the CF server or the
DB server.

Normally, each of the three instances on the main CF server hums along
processing 5-8 requests per second with my average request time
running around 200ms.  There are rarely more than 3 active requests at
any given time.

But during these regular 15-20 second slowdowns, my active requests
spikes to whatever I've got the maximum set to in Fusion Reactor
(currently 12, which I lowered from 20 last night).  JDBC time spikes
too.  CPU usually dips during the slowdown and spikes afterwards (as
it processes all the queued requests).

The slowdown occurs at the exact same time on all three instances.

I'd been hoping to blame this on inconsistencies in our disk (can't
defrag, failed chkdsk.. we're migrating to a new server soon) but then
I realized that the same slowdown happens on our forums/images server
- at the same time - though it's less noticeable because that server
only handles an average of 7 requests per minute over the course of a
day.  It spends most of its time serving up images via plan ol' web
server requests)

GIVEN that these jdbc spikes occur at the same time on a different
server, I think I can rule out coldfusion as being a problem, and
maybe I have some kind of SQL Server problem..

I ran SQL Profilder and had ran the index tuning wizard and it
recommended only 2 new indexes on one of our larger tables... but I
really just have no idea how to figure out what's causing these

It's almost like the SQL Server box is just locking up every 12-17
minutes for 10-20 seconds at a time.

Does anyone know of any companies out there with expertise at
debugging this kind of thing?

Rick Root
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