
That definitely points me in a better direction, thank you.

One other thing that is confusing me however is how the complex types of the
WSDL are pointing to other complex types. For instance, in this following
bit of the WSDL:
<s:element name="CheckAvailability">
                        <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"
name="CheckAvailabilityRQ" type="tns:CheckAvailability_irmRQ" /> 

<s:complexType name="CheckAvailability_irmRQ">
                <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Credentials"
type="tns:irmWebSvcCredentials" /> 
                <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"
name="AvailabilityRequest" type="tns:irmDatesRoomInfo" /> 

The element 'CheckAvailability' defines a complex type of

'CheckAvailability_irmRQ' is later defined as a complex type that points to
two other complex types within the WSDL. 

I'm trying to wrap my brain around how to create and send complex objects to
the web service but it's hurting. I know that the data to be sent in is:
String: dataPath
String: LogonID
String: Password
String: DatabaseID
String: RoomType
DateTime: ArrivalDate
DateTime: DepartureDate
Int: People1
Int: People2
Int: People3 
Int: People4

How can it be so tricky to get these values into cold fusion objects that
will map correctly the XML of this WSDL? Just a bit more insight and I
promise I won't write again until I have exhausted all newly found help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [mailto:dwa...@figleaf.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 1:11 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Calling .ASPX.VB from .CFM

> SO... if I use CFINVOKE I am not quite sure what to pass in the
> Do I attempt to create a large structure and pass it in under
> 'CheckAvailability_irmRQ'?

I think you'll need a little more than that; you'll need CFCs to
represent the objects and you'll need to use CFPROPERTY to name the
properties of those objects in a way that the CF WSDL stub builder
will be able to map to the original WSDL. For example, a Credentials

<!--- credentials.cfc --->
    <cfproperty name="LogonID" type="string" required="yes">
   ... other properties go here ...
   ... code to populate those properties goes here ...

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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