I'm getting closer, and I will get this, when I doI hope others can learn
from it. I really appreciate this forum.

So I used CFSCRIPT and created an instance of the web service:

irm = CreateObject("webservice",

Then I used CFDUMP to see it:

It shows me the methods. I want to use method 'checkAvailability'

I need to pass it a complex object as defined in the SOAP:

How do I go about building this object in CF?

Top-level: CheckAvailabilityRQ
        Sub: Credentials
                         logonID: java.lang.String
                         password: java.lang.String
                         dataPath: java.lang.String
                         databaseID: java.lang.String
        Sub: AvailabilityRequest
                         arrivalDate: java.util.Calendar
                         departureDate: java.util.Calendar
                         roomType: java.lang.String
                         people1: int
                         people2: int
                         people3: int
                         people4: int

I am thinking that if I can build this object I can then do this:

checkAvailResult = Irm.CheckAvailability(complex object created above) 

Right now if I do that without the object created right I get the ol':

=="Web service operation CheckAvailability with parameters... cannot be

I've researched enough to know that if you don't have your complex object
built right to map the the java stubs you will get this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Casey Dougall [mailto:ca...@uberwebsitesolutions.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 8:11 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Calling .ASPX.VB from .CFM

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 6:06 PM, Jason Neidert <ja...@steelfusion.com>wrote:

> How can I accomplish the creation of the object CheckAvailabilityRQ using
> ColdFusion?
> <cfobject
>    name = "IRMPublic">
>    webservice= "http://resortdata.com/IRMPublic";
>    type = "webservice"
>    wsportname = "IRMPublicMethodsSoap">
> Then use CFINVOKE or something to create an instance of
> 'IRMPublic.CheckAvailability_irmRQ'?
> I think I am getting closer...

you try something like this? not sure what the actual url is to api

<cfset APIURL = '

<cfxml VARIABLE="GetAvailRequest" CASESENSITIVE="YES">
  <CheckAvailability xmlns="http://resortdata.com/IRMPublic";>

  throwOnError="no" port="80" charset="utf-8">
  <CFHTTPPARAM type="xml" value="#GetAvailRequest#">

<cfdump VAR="#cfhttp.FileContent#">

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