Digging deeper...

Using a program called 'Altova MapForce'. Opened the WSDL file in there,
here are the global settings.

WSDL Definitions:
Service: {http://resortdata.com/IRMPublic}IRMPublicMethods
Port: IRMPublicMethodsSoap
Operation: {http://resortdata.com/IRMPublic}CheckAvailability

Endpoint: http://irm.resortdata.com/LutsenInterface/IRMPublic.asmx

Looking again at the aspx.vb file:

Dim CheckAvailabilityRQ As New IRMPublic.CheckAvailability_irmRQ
(in the VB file it appears they are creating a new object from the def.

How can I accomplish the creation of the object CheckAvailabilityRQ using

    name = "IRMPublic">
    webservice= "http://resortdata.com/IRMPublic";
    type = "webservice"
    wsportname = "IRMPublicMethodsSoap">

Then use CFINVOKE or something to create an instance of

I think I am getting closer...


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [mailto:dwa...@figleaf.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 1:11 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Calling .ASPX.VB from .CFM

> SO... if I use CFINVOKE I am not quite sure what to pass in the
> Do I attempt to create a large structure and pass it in under
> 'CheckAvailability_irmRQ'?

I think you'll need a little more than that; you'll need CFCs to
represent the objects and you'll need to use CFPROPERTY to name the
properties of those objects in a way that the CF WSDL stub builder
will be able to map to the original WSDL. For example, a Credentials

<!--- credentials.cfc --->
    <cfproperty name="LogonID" type="string" required="yes">
   ... other properties go here ...
   ... code to populate those properties goes here ...

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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