> Well the quote was just a highlight. But if you want the real in-depth
> thought process behind this...
> The most respected minds in the health / psychology community regarding
> Autism (Simon Baron-Cohen in particular) are citing similarities between
> Einstein and people with Asperger Syndrome (which wasn't added to the
> books in the US until the mid 90's despite the fact that early research
> started in the mid 40's).
> Challenges with communication are one of the most salient features of
> Asperger Syndrome and other Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). In fact,
> they are a diagnostic requirement.
> So it's unlikely imo that they would be including Einstein in their
> research as an example of someone who may have had the condition unless
> they were finding significant examples of communication difficulty in
> their research.
> The fact that his lectures were notoriously confusing is just a
> convenient highlight for the BBC article on the subject. I don't think
> I'm reading too much into the quote, no.

But if you read any biography of Einstein, you'll find that he had no
trouble communicating with lots of people. So perhaps he's not as good
a candidate for their research as they'd like; the BBC article you
posted indicates that this diagnosis is far from universally accepted.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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