> And don't get me started on the subject of people running e-commerce
> businesses on shared hosting accounts... ;)

 A contract I had a couple years ago I went through a big fiasco with just

The company was already using a shared host (a very cheap one at that) and
when we told them that they needed a dedicated host, they refused at first.

They nearly pulled out until I showed them how vulnerable their 100,000+
customers data was.

Their log-on for their administration was not secured with SSL, they were
collecting CC data along with the CCV codes into a shared database that
was completely insecure.

I finally proved it to them when I installed phpMyAdmin on
a separate account at the host and you could login to their database using
root with no password.

Yes. the host had set root privileges with no password on a shared host.

Needless to say this rather large website was moved to a dedicated host.

/Kevin Pepperman

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