Hash: SHA1

Thanks for the reminder on that one!  I was going to do that...  I
even had RFC 2616 on my desk to look up how to do that, and I
completely forgot...

I've actually got some "real work" to do today (darn clients.... 
always interrupting my fun!), but once I get that taken care of, I'll
integrate the various suggestions on this & see if I can turn it into
a real tag....

Thanks again to everyone for the tips & pointers!

Best regards,
Zac Bedell

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Orlando Correa (ITSC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 5:55 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: [Compress HTML output]
> Just check the cgi.http_accept_encoding for the existance of 
> "gzip"....
>   <CFIF 
> listcontainsnocase(cgi.http_accept_encoding,"gzip")><!---  AND NOT
> dev_server --->
>     <CF_GZipPage LEVEL="7">
>       <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="myheavypage.cfm">
>     </CF_GZipPage>
>   <CFELSE>
>     <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="myheavypage.cfm">
>   </CFIF>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Stolz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 8:30 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: [Compress HTML output]
> This is great!
> One question though:
> The servlet version checks for the ACCEPT_ENCODING request 
> header before it
> does the actual encoding.
> I don't know of a way to do this in CF. Any ideas?
> P.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Orlando Correa (ITSC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 9:58 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: [Compress HTML output]
> Hey Zach...
> After some testing... I implemented your code to test compression
> of a particularly large html file with some encouraging results...
> The
> uncompressed page was 165K and took 391 milliseconds to excute. 
> The compressed page is 20K with an added server overhead of around
> 375K milliseconds... The savings in download time for the html, in 
> this case,
> warrent further explortion of compressing certain "heavy" pages
> (87.8% compression on level 7).  Thanks dude!  Pretty slick.
> I've hacked on your code a bit to test it in our development 
> enviornment...
> <cfif ThisTag.ExecutionMode EQ "Start">
>   <cfset start_time=gettickcount()>
> </cfif>
> <cfif ThisTag.ExecutionMode EQ "END">
>   <!--- Sane defaults: --->
>   <cfparam name="Attributes.Level" default="9">
>   <cfparam name="Attributes.Unique"
> default="#RandRange(1,10000000)#"> 
>   <cfparam name="Attributes.Directory" default="c:\temp">
>   <!--- set temp dir --->
>   <cfset dir_compress = Attributes.Directory>
>   <cfif not IsDefined("application.IsDir")>
>     <!--- check if the directory exists --->
>     <cfdirectory name="qry_checkdir" directory="#dir_compress#"
> action="LIST">
>     <!--- if it doesn't exist, create new directory 
> #dir_compress# --->
>     <cfif not qry_checkdir.recordcount>
>      <cfdirectory action="CREATE" directory="#dir_compress#">
>     </cfif>
>     <!--- set IsDir flag for by-passing directory check --->
>     <cflock scope="application" timeout="10">
>       <cfset application.IsDir = 1>
>     </cflock>
>   </cfif>
>   <!--- Setup path & filename for tempfiles: --->
>   <cfset RawHTMLFile =
> "#dir_compress##listlast(cgi.script_name,"/")#_#Attributes.Uni
> que#_#RandRang
> e(1,1000000)#.out">
>   <cfset GZippedFile =
> "#dir_compress##listlast(cgi.script_name,"/")#_#Attributes.Uni
> que#_#RandRang
> e(1,1000000)#.in">
>   <!--- Grab the generated content and write it out to a
> tempfile.---> 
>   <cfset end_time=gettickcount()>
>   <cfset time = end_time-start_time & "Milliseconds">
>   <cfset Content = Trim(ThisTag.GeneratedContent) & time>
>   <cffile action="WRITE" file="#RawHTMLFile#" output="#Content#">
>   <!--- Compress the tempfile to another tempfile --->
>   <cfx_GZip action="GZIP" InFile="#RawHTMLFile#" 
> OutFile="#GZippedFile#"
> level="#Attributes.Level#">
>   <cffile action="delete" file="#RawHTMLFile#">
>   <!--- Setup the headers and write the mess back out to the client
> w/CFCONTENT --->
>   <cfset ThisTag.GeneratedContent = "">
>   <cfheader name="Content-Encoding" value="gzip">
>   <cfcontent file="#GZippedFile#" deletefile="Yes"
> type="text/html"> </cfif>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zachary Bedell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 2:20 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: [Compress HTML output]
> Hash: SHA1
> > compression is a web server issue NOT CF.
> That's true, but it doesn't mean you can't do it in CF...
> Below is a custom tag that will do just that, provided you have
> CFX_GZip installed (freely downloadable from the tag gallery).
> I'm not sure whether the savings in bandwidth is worth the
> additional processor power (anyone wanna run tests?), but it's
> still nifty...  
> One place this would really be a savings:  If you already use
> CFCACHE, you should be able to modify the CFCache tag to also do
> compression before it saves a file.  That way you only need to
> compress the file once, and you get the processor savings of
> CFCache AND the bandwidth savings of compression.
> I'll probably post this tag to the tag gallery once I beat on it
> for a little longer.  In the meantime, enjoy...
> Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use
> <http://www.pgp.com> Comment: Please use PGP!
> iQA/AwUBOj5/Z6vhLS1aWPxeEQKSRwCg+iRBf/fA8Y72IbopUMF0kM6NEkkAnj+k
> wwQDQrb5RkIfgaFn1TRaW8Ub
> =4/Jb
> <!--- CF_GZipPage
>       Make sure this tag surrounds the ENTIRE page.  It will GZIP the
> GeneratedContent using
>       CFX_GZip and modify the browser headers so that the browser can
> decode it.
>       Anything that falls outside of the start and end tag for this
> tag
> will be ignored and never
>       seen by the client.
>       Parameters (All are optional):
>               Level:  The GZip Compression Level, 0 is lowest
> compression
> (biggest size, least processor usage),
>                       9 is highest compression (smallest size,
> greatest
> processor usage)
>               Unique: If you'd prefer something more unique than a
> second
> random number for tempfiles, specify it here
>                       Make sure the contents of the variable are all
> valid
> in a filename.
>       CopyLeft 2000 Zachary Bedell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>       You may use this code as you wish provided I retain credit in
> the
> comments or elsewhere.
>       No Warrenty.  If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces....
>  -ZSB 18-Dec-2000
> --->
> <cfif ThisTag.ExecutionMode EQ "END">
>       <!--- Sane defaults: --->
>       <cfparam name="Attributes.Level" default="9">
>       <cfparam name="Attributes.Unique"
> default="#RandRange(1,10000000)#">
>       <!--- Setup path & filename for tempfiles: --->
>       <cfset RawHTMLFile =
> "c:\Temp\Compress\#Cgi.Script_Name#_#Attributes.Unique#_#RandR
> ange(1,100
> 0000
> )#.out">
>       <cfset GZippedFile =
> "c:\Temp\Compress#Cgi.Script_Name#_#Attributes.Unique#_#RandRa
> nge(1,1000
> 000)
> #.in">
>       <!--- Grab the generated content and write it out to a tempfile.
> --->
>       <cfset Content = Trim(ThisTag.GeneratedContent)>
>       <cffile action="WRITE" file="#RawHTMLFile#" output="#Content#">
>       <!--- Compress the tempfile to another tempfile --->
>       <cfx_GZip action="GZIP" InFile="#RawHTMLFile#"
> OutFile="#GZippedFile#" level="#Attributes.Level#">
>       <cffile action="delete" file="#RawHTMLFile#">
>       <!--- Setup the headers and write the mess back out to the
> client w/
>       <cfset ThisTag.GeneratedContent = "">
>       <cfheader name="Content-Encoding" value="gzip">
>       <cfcontent file="#GZippedFile#" deletefile="Yes"
> type="text/html">
> </cfif>
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