Not sure if this has been talked about in detail but with the interest in
dynamic html compression I will throw my two cents in.

Why use a cfx tag with coldfusion to compress html output when you can use
IIS 5.0's builtin gzip/deflate compressors? I bet the cfx/cf overhead is
much higher and not suitable for high volume situations. With IIS 4.0 you
need the recource kit which contains the isapi compression filters.

By default, you can set IIS to do a "application" level, not "static" level
compression, which would compress dynamic content. Go to the "services" tab
of the server in the mmc. However, and by default, the dynamic compression
only applies to "asp", "exe", and "dll" extensions. So for it to compress cf
streams than you need to use METAEDIT.EXE to modify the metadata which is
like the registry but specific to IIS. There you can add "cfm" to the
HcScriptFileExtension key under W3SVC/Filters/Compression/+ deflate/gzip.
Once done, do a "c:\inetpub\adminscripts\IISreset.exe /restart" in the cmd
window and you should see the "inetinfo" process take up much more cpu usage
than before. If not then it is still not configured right. You can also use
the METAEDIT.EXE to change the compressing buffer size, compression level,

I was able to reduce the bandwith usage from 3.3mb/s to 2mb/s which is close
to 40% decause in bandwith using level 7 compression. Still not sure if IIS
is using GZIP or DEFLATE but I'm happy nonetheless.


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