It's compressed at the server and decompressed at the client. Pretty sure
all current browsers support both the deflate(an compression algorithm not
the expanding part) and gzip. The decompression is very fast so the end user
doesn't even see a difference.


> Could you please explain how this compression works. I keep seeing this as
> it is being compressed and decompressed at the server, or is it being
> compressed at the server and decompressed at the client.
> Bob Everland
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zachary Bedell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2000 10:26 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: [Compress HTML output]
> Hash: SHA1
> > Not sure if this has been talked about in detail but with the
> > interest in dynamic html compression I will throw my two cents in.
> And donations of this sort are *always* appreciated!  Thanks! ;-)
> > Why use a cfx tag with coldfusion to compress html output
> > when you can use IIS 5.0's builtin gzip/deflate compressors?
> We're stuck on WinNT4 for various reasons, so using IIS compression
> wasn't an option for us.  Also, for non-IIS users, this CFX version
> should still do the trick even if their webserver doesn't support
> compression.
> > I bet the cfx/cf overhead is much higher and not suitable
> > for high volume situations.
> It's been running like a champ for us over the last three days on a
> moderately high volume site.  I can't imagine that the CFX overhead
> would be that much higher than ISAPI overhead.  CFX_GZip is a good
> multi-threaded tag...
> > With IIS 4.0 you need the recource kit which contains the
> > isapi compression filters.
> Ahhhh....  Now this I did not know...  I must give this a try...
> >
> > By default, you can set IIS to do a "application" level, not
> > "static" level compression, which would compress dynamic
> > content. Go to the "services" tab of the server in the mmc.
> > However, and by default, the dynamic compression only applies
> > ...
> Very interesting...  I will most certainly try this.  Thanks for the
> pointer!
> Best regards,
> Zac Bedell
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