> Ok I understand what has been done the 
> only thing I see as a problem is that
> the tag is writing a file. Now without 
> locking or without a unique name
> something bad is bound to happen. And 
> once you put locking on the writing of
> files there is gonna be a slowdown. 

The filename for the tempfiles is based on a call to CreateUUID().  If
that's not giving you a unique filename, then you have much, MUCH bigger
problems to worry about...  There are two files created, and it looks a
little something like this:

<!--- I don't have the actual code in front of me to cut
 & paste from, but here's the basic gist... --->
<cfset TempPath = "c:\temp\compress\">
<cfset UUID = CreateUUID()>
<cfset RawFile = "#TempPath##UUID#.htm">
<cfset GZipFile = "#TempPath##UUID#.gz">

You can't get too much more unique than that.

> I don't see this as a good solution for
> large webservers with a lot of users. Maybe 
> on an extranet where everything is semi 
> controlled or on an intranet, but I don't 
> think on a regular webserver this is a good idea.

I've got an 800,000ish user session per month site running it quite nicely
for the past three days (almost four days as I write this...).  No
hiccoughs, no user complaints.  In fact...  I don't even think the users
have noticed anything other than the speed increase (we have had two or
three comments on that).  Granted...  This isn't the type of thing you'd
want to run on Microsoft.com, but if you have a moderate load site and
enough extra processor to throw at it (we have both), then you can really
save some bandwidth, if that's something you need to do.  If you've got quad
T3's coming out of your server, don't waste your time with this tag.  But if
bandwidth is getting a little tight lately, this *might* be something to at
least give a try.  It's easy enough to implement and easy enough to remove
if it does cause problems.

In our case, we have a sh'load of server to throw at this app, but bandwidth
is a bit limited at this point in time.  The compression is really helping.

AND...  The server based add-on that Xing Li mentioned looks even better.
If we were running IIS 5, I would have installed that compression option in
a heart beat.  Now that I know IIS 4 has the same ability w/ a little added
software from MS, I'm going to be implementing it next week.

Best regards,
Zac Bedell

        Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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