On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 11:03 PM, Andrew Scott <andr...@andyscott.id.au> wrote:
> Mark, I think I made my stance very clear in a previous thread. I did say
> that the bugs will be fixed in the next release, and I feel that this is
> wrong and I might be a minority on that,

Might be a minority on that? That's funny...

I have been using CF Builder for at least as long as you have. I use
it every day and have yet to encounter any bugs that would make me
think its not worth the price.

I am curious, what bug is it, that it seems only you have encountered,
that makes CFB a bad piece of software, and, according to you, 'will
never be fixed'?

You surely know the bug number, so, why not share so we can go take a
look for ourselves.

Scott Stroz
You can make things happen, you can watch things happen or you can
wonder what the f*&k happened. - Cpt. Phil Harris


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