See notes inline.

Andrew Scott

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean Corfield []
> Sent: Thursday, 27 January 2011 4:47 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: why is cf_builder so expensive?
> Based on what Ram showed at MAX, I'd say version 2 is a "must have"
> (but then I already think version 1 is pretty much a must have :)

You might be right, but the line debugger will not be fixed and for me that
is a key issue.

> I've had this happen maybe half a dozen times in however long I've had the
> product with day-in, day-out use. I don't view it as a big issue (but it
> me sympathetic for the CFBuilder team since the root cause is the failure
> the Adobe licensing component to start correctly - a component that is
> essentially forced on the CFBuilder team and why the product isn't
> for Linux).

Yeah I thought as much.

> I've occasionally noticed a bit of quirkiness here - but then JRun's
> can be a bit flaky about this too. I'll be honest, I don't stop/start the
> much thru CFBuilder - it's just not a use case I need / care about.

Yeah and its annoying, because there is an option to this without leaving
the IDE, and it well sort of doesn't work.

> I regularly close all windows with up to 20 editor windows open and never
> see this - but then I don't use Mylyn (tried it, didn't like it). Maybe
it's an
> interaction with the Mylyn plugin? The big downside of Eclipse is plugin
> compatibility, IMO.

If you read my comments correctly, I have mainly seen it when using Mylyn.
But it also happens without using Mylyn as well.

> 6) I can be scrolling through a large file and I mean around large, 
> and the editor will just stop actually scrolling.
> How large? I've never seen this happen.

Yeah usually very large files.

> > 7) The undo feature if you make a 1 to 5 letter change, and try to do
> > an udo then you find that it tries to do an undo somewhere else in the
> > file and you have to try to do an undo about 10-20 times before it
> > catches upto your actual changes.
> Really? Wow, never seen that one - but I agree that would be very
> frustrating if it happened.

Yeah makes the undo feature a pain.

> > 8) If you have a project on a UNC path, and close the IDE and re-open
> UNC. 'nuff said. Don't do that (your problem there is Windows, not
> :)
> Seriously tho' I've seen so many bugs reported against UNC paths in Java
> apps that I don't really think you can pin the blame on Adobe for this.

I also said it happens with mapped drives as well.

> > 9) When running the line debugger...
> > 10) When using the line debugger...
> > 11)When using the line debugger...
> > 12) When trying to set a break point to use the line debugger...
> > 13) After awhile the line debugger...
> Can't comment. I almost never use the line debugger. Never liked 'em.

And if you ask me that is the one feature that really makes this product
great, most people don't use the debugger and I am at a loss to why. It is
the best snapshot of what is happening at a certain line that you can't put
a price on.
> > 14) When typing some code, I can stop and hit the up arrow key before
> > the color of the code is complete. And then I can get the IDE to have
> > half blue lines across the screen for every line I scroll too.
> Interesting. Never seen that. Does it only happen on "very large"
> files? Or also on small files?

Nope any size, you just have to be quicker than the editor in its colouring.

> > 15) Closing of tags is flaky, even with all the right settings if I
> > type <cfoutput> sometimes I get the closing tag and sometimes I don't
> I'll concede it isn't perfect but it's "good enough" (and I don't write
> tag-based code for it to annoy me too much).

Yeah its annoying to say the least.

> > 16) Sometimes the icon to open the log files from the locally running
> > server, will report that the server does not provide logs or is not
> > local and other times it just works fine.
> Not even sure what you're referring to here. Can you provide a bit more
> detail?

In the servers view, on the far right are a set of icons. One of these is to
open log files, that is the icon I am talking about.

And one last thing, 90% of these bugs had been reported during the
Alpha/Beta stages of ColdFusion Builder so you can see they have been in the
product and reported well before it was released.

> --
> Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
> Railo Technologies, Inc. -- An Architect's View --

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