As for 9-13, I used the line debugger all the time....pretty much
every day. I have never experienced any of these issues.

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Andrew Scott <> wrote:
> Ok let me clear one thing up, I never said it was a bad product. In fact my
> words where I don't think it is a great product, but from what I am hearing
> version 3 will be a must have for any developer. Now whether I think it is
> worth the price, is indeed my opinion.
> As for the bugs, I don't have the bug numbers on hand but here is a snippet
> of some of the ones that I endure on a daily basis.
> 1) When opening the IDE there are times when the colour syntax, and
> everything else that is related to ColdFusion just won't work. Granted this
> is not very often, but it is often enough to be annoying.
> 2) The outline feature never remembers whether it is collapsed or not, and
> it should also begin in the collapsed so people can drill in rather than
> drill out.
> 3) For no reason what so ever the heap will spike to the maximum, and hang
> the IDE. This can cause the IDE to be non responsive for upto 2-3 mins,
> before it will eventually come back as not responding.
> 4) When trying to stop a server in the servers view, the ColdFusion will
> eventually report stopped. When you go and restart it at a later stage, it
> errors saying that it is already running. Yet the IDE reports this as
> stopped, this is more notable on remote servers than local, but I have seen
> it on local servers as well.
> 5) When closing a lot of windows (Code files) by either using the Mylyn
> plugin, or by close all. For every single file closed there will be an error
> that will pop up saying something like, the file is not in the webroot or
> there is no server associated with the file so it is not able to be viewed.
> This is more noticeable when using Mylyn to activate/deactivate tasks, but
> as it also happens when not using Mylyn just not as often.
> 6) I can be scrolling through a large file and I mean around large, and the
> editor will just stop actually scrolling. To the point that the letters are
> changing, but they're not disappearing. Eventually you will get a totally
> black screen from the characters not updating correctly, the gutter with the
> line numbers also will not update when scrolling either.
> 7) The undo feature if you make a 1 to 5 letter change, and try to do an udo
> then you find that it tries to do an undo somewhere else in the file and you
> have to try to do an undo about 10-20 times before it catches upto your
> actual changes. This appears to be that it is trying to undo the syntax
> stuff, I could be wrong but it is buggy as hell when undoing code.
> 8) If you have a project on a UNC path, and close the IDE and re-open it.
> Sometimes it thinks that the path is not there and closes the project, even
> though you can go to the IDE file view and see the UNC path with no
> problems, and this also happens for mapped drives as well. If you try to
> open the project an error will occur, the only work around to this is that
> you have to go to the IDE's file view and browse into a directory then open
> the project.
> 9) When running the line debugger, each and every time you hit a break point
> the IDE gets slower and slower to fire the breakpoint.
> 10) When using the line debugger, and you are stepping through the lines of
> code. There are times when the Function Variable, just disappears. So there
> is no way to see what variables have been defined for a function.
> 11)When using the line debugger, there are times when stepping through large
> lines of code in a function it will just exit. Especially when in a loop and
> there is a cffile in that loop.
> 12) When trying to set a break point to use the line debugger, you will get
> told that this line ins unreachable, even when you look at the code it
> clearly is reachable.
> 13) After awhile the line debugger will just stop firing and you are forced
> to close the IDE, and restart it as well as stop and restart the ColdFusion
> server.
> 14) When typing some code, I can stop and hit the up arrow key before the
> color of the code is complete. And then I can get the IDE to have half blue
> lines across the screen for every line I scroll too.
> 15) Closing of tags is flaky, even with all the right settings if I type
> <cfoutput> sometimes I get the closing tag and sometimes I don't
> 16) Sometimes the icon to open the log files from the locally running
> server, will report that the server does not provide logs or is not local
> and other times it just works fine.
> I could go on with a lot more than this, but as these are the ones that I do
> see more reguallry than any other bug. A lot of these bugs are productivity
> killers, and others are well I'll just close the file and re-open it, to
> downright annoying.
> Regards,
> Andrew Scott
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Scott Stroz []
>> Sent: Thursday, 27 January 2011 3:13 PM
>> To: cf-talk
>> Subject: Re: why is cf_builder so expensive?
>> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 11:03 PM, Andrew Scott
>> <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Mark, I think I made my stance very clear in a previous thread. I did
>> > say that the bugs will be fixed in the next release, and I feel that
>> > this is wrong and I might be a minority on that,
>> Might be a minority on that? That's funny...
>> I have been using CF Builder for at least as long as you have. I use it
> every day
>> and have yet to encounter any bugs that would make me think its not worth
>> the price.
>> I am curious, what bug is it, that it seems only you have encountered,
> that
>> makes CFB a bad piece of software, and, according to you, 'will never be
>> fixed'?
>> You surely know the bug number, so, why not share so we can go take a look
>> for ourselves.
>> --
>> Scott Stroz

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