Basically the easiest way to do ajax, is the following...

1. download jquery libraries, or in your source code refer to different hosting 
of the jquery libraries. jquery fyi, is javascript libraries, that work 
cross-browser and make it easier to do things like ajax, and millions of other 

2. Read this and any other article,
 to get a handle on how to use jquery.

3. create a cfc, that can send/receive data you want.

Yes this is a lot to learn, if you've never played with ajax or jquery before. 
So I will show you some example code.

You can either download a copy of the jquery libraries, or refer to a cdn 
hosted copy on google or, or a few other sites hosting jquery 
libraries for public use.

Then you need to create a cfc, which is basically like a coldfusion normal 
template, except it has functions, instead of normal page logic.

A cfc will be like this structure


cffunction name="somename" access="remote" output="true"
cfargument name=company_id type=integer required=true

do some stuff



That's a very basic cfc, must be saved as a cfc extension.

The 1st key part is making the cfc file in a web-accessible url folder.

Then you have to create ajax that will send the parameters it needs to do 
whatever functioning you need to do.

I hope this get's you a good starting point....

>We are on CF7, not sure if this restricts the amount of functionality
>available to me?
>So how would it work - when a user types in their employee number in the
>text field how would ajax call a SQL query to lookup the data in the db
>table to populate the rest of the fields in the form.
>Do you have any code examples, as I am struggling to grasp how to
>implement this at the moment?
>Many Thanks
>It is definitely possible and rather easy using CF (or just plain 
>javascript) - all you need to do is make an ajax request to a cfc/cfm on
>your server passing entered employee number as data/argument, which will
>return necessary data based on emp number. You then populate necessary 
>fields with returned data.
>CF's built-in ajax functionality will come in handy here (i.e. cfinput 
>fields with bind attribute pointing to your cfc method), but not 
>required - same is easily achieved with a regular js ajax request; 
>jQuery will even make it fun.
>If you are not very familiar with javascript, and you are running CF8+, 
>then use the built-in cf functionality. All you need is well described 
>in CF Developer's Guide (download pdf from and numerous
>On 02/03/2011 17:37 , Ian Vaughan wrote:
>> corner of Coldfusion - so if I can deliver this app in Coldfusion it
>> would certainly help it's case so it would still be a viable
>> option here.
>> Many Thanks

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