Typical denial, mixed with a bunch of strawman arguments.

> > I specifically mentioned you as an example of why Coldfusion is 
> dying a very slow death: why are you the
> > one with all the responsibility? Where is the rest of the community 
> these days?
> CFLib is Ray's "responsibility" because it's his. It's not Adobe's.
> It's not "the community's".
> > How come nobody is posting new examples, simple tutorials that would 
> show potential new users how nice and easy Coldfusion is?
> How would those differ from the simple tutorials posted in the past?
> The fundamentals of CF really haven't changed that much, have they?
> > The signs are everywhere: this list has very little "new blood".
> Well, people see what they want to see. What you see as a negative, I
> see as a positive - CF is a mature language, and has mature
> developers. Perhaps people don't post as many simple questions to the
> list because they've all been asked and answered, and you can easily
> find said answers with a simple Google search. All that said, I still
> see lots of beginner and intermediate questions here and on the Adobe
> forums.
> > The few coldfusion blogs that are actually popular mostly deal with 
> stuff way beyong beginning or itermediate level. That does nothing
> > to promote Coldfusion, because the ones who can see the value in 
> those discussions are long-time CF converts. It's preaching to the 
> choir.
> I think you misunderstand the purpose of these blogs. For the most
> part, they don't exist to convert people to CF or promote CF, etc.
> They exist to scratch an itch of their authors. People blog about the
> things that interest them.
> > Now, I'm not attacking anyone - it is all Adobe's fault for not 
> allocating enough resources to a technology/product the derive 
> financial benefit from.
> Every time I see this argument - whether it's Adobe, Macromedia or
> Allaire not allocating enough resources - I just don't know where to
> begin. The product is successful. It's a niche product - it's never
> going to take over the world - but it's successful.
> > Finally, I think this state of denial does not benefit anyone; it 
> would be much better if the powerful voices in the community 
> acknowledged
> > that more needs to be done to give Coldfusion the place it deserves. 
> Attacking the messenger is not going to get much done. That's my
> > opinion and I hope it can be respected the way I respect those who 
> disagree with it.
> Presumably, the "powerful voices in the community" have work to do.
> They use CF because it helps them do that work faster and better.
> Unless they're actually Adobe employees, they're not product
> evangelists and they don't get paychecks from Adobe.
> As for "attacking the messenger": the worst I've seen is that you've
> been called a troll. And your behavior certainly matches that
> description even if it's not your intent. You posted something that's
> been regularly posted for the ten or more years I've been on this
> list. What do you expect the outcome to be? Adobe will start spending
> more money on marketing, etc, because now you posted this? The
> "powerful voices in the community" will finally see the light or
> something? No. There is no real justification for posting "CF is
> dying" on a CF developers list - there is no positive outcome
> possible, and it has the effect of trolling whether that's what you
> wanted or not.
> You want things to be different? Make them different yourself. Write
> the blog posts you want to see. Be the evangelist you want others to
> be. Lead by example. But this ... this is no way to accomplish
> anything other than getting a bunch of people riled up over nothing.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> http://www.figleaf.com/
> http://training.figleaf.com/
> Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
> GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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