> I would never call you a trool. Because I have a spell-checker.


> Perhaps I'm being ungenerous, but that kind of response from you
> indicates to me that you don't take this seriously enough to engage
> your brain cells and actually read what was written. 

More childish attack.

>Which, you know,
> kind of makes you look like a trool after all, if you know what I
> mean. 

Even more childish.

>Anyway, to give you the benefit of the doubt, here's an
> executive summary of what I wrote, paragraph by paragraph.
> 1. CFLib belongs to Ray.

That doesn't mean he can't get help from the *assumed* CF community. He is 
alone because the small community does not have new blood. New blood carries 
the torch and keeps things moving. The 'old-timers' are too busy discussing OOP 
concepts -which is their right. The problem is that the lack on new blood will 
eventually kill CF - and that's the simple point I make.

> 2. Why are new tutorials needed, since CF's basic functionality 
> hasn't
> changed significantly?

A cursory glance at how things stand today will show any objective observer 
that a lot of those resources are obsolete, in need of re-vamping (lots of new 
features have been introduced) or were deleted a long time ago.

> 3. There are plenty of beginner and intermediate questions on the list.

But how many lists are there? And how many questions in this list? In fact, it 
could be argued that this list is perfect example of a stagnant community. 

> 4. People blog about their interests, not solely for promotional 
> reasons.

Once again, I'm not holding the small CF community responsible for anything. 
Strawman argument. 

> 5. CF is a successful product.

That doesn't mean it is not dying slowly. Strawman argument.

> 6. The CF "community" is not composed solely of Adobe employees.

You love your straw man, don't you?

> 7. Your behavior looks like trolling, even if you're not a troll.

More childish stuff.

> 8. If you want more evangelism, be an evangelist.

Strawman argument. I never said I wanted more 'evangelism". 

> So, out of those, there's one paragraph that mentions trolling, and
> states you may well not be a troll. Given your apparent level of
> reading comprehension, you might want to read these things more 
> slowly
> and carefully.

More childish, dishonest attack - but it seems the norm with you.

> > In any case, why 10 years?
> Because people have been posting this crap here for ten years already.
> They were posting it when CF was called "Allaire Cold Fusion."

The way things are going, the ten years may not be necessary. But only time 
will tell. Hope you're right, though. I hope Coldfusion remains a valid option 
for many years to come. 

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