It was deleted via the cf admin interface, so I don't think undelete would
have helped.  I do wish Adobe would update the log interface to make it more
useful.  It hasn't changed much at all since at least 4.5.  The navigation
sucks and, apparently, there is no way to clear the logs so you don't have
to skip over many months of log entries to get where you want (which is what
I was trying to do)   CF does not recreate the exception log.  I ended up
just reinstalling CF after backing up all the setting to a car file. That
fixed the problem.  When you have a new instance of cf...the exception log
does not appear until you have an it would stand to reason
that it would recreate it if it wasn't there at any other point.  I don't
see any logical reason why you would want to permanently delete the
exception log or why you would even want that option.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Scott [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 9:28 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Log question

If the log is deleted ColdFusion should recreate the log, for example stop
ColdFusion go to the logs directory and delete them, then restart ColdFusion
and the logs will be recreated.

If you are wanting the log information from inside the file then you will
want an undelete tool to get the file back, but hurry because once the OS
reuses the space it will be lost forever. Which usually could be awhile
depending on the OS and disk size.

Andrew Scott

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Eric Roberts <> wrote:

> How do you restore a deleted log?  In an attempt to clear the exception
> log,
> I ended up deleting it (they should label those buttons better).help!
> Eric

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