Ah, Russ... your response was pretty much the same as what I was gonna say.

The Admin UI is fine if one pays attention (like to the messages going "Are
you sure you want to delete this log file?", that pop up when one opts to
delete it). And I dunno how much more clear a red circle with an X on it
can get by way of suggesting "of these options, this is the one that
deletes stuff" can get. Seriously.

That said, if the UI is a pain: don't use it. The log files are just text
files... open them up in a text editor! Or in the log file viewer in CFB if
you have it.

Why would someone want to delete the exception log? Because the info in it
gets stale and meaningless pretty bloody quick. it's great for the
here-and-now, but it's not much use shortly after then.  on my dev machine
I delete all my log files when I start CF up for the session... if I didn't
deal with whatever was in the logs during the last session, I'm sure as
hell not going to do it in a subsequent session. However I do cull them all
via the file system, not via the UI. But there's a use case for axing them.

If they *are* important though, why are you not backing them up? Important
stuff - stuff that if you lose will cost you time - needs to be backed up.

If they get too cluttered? rotate them. there's a button to do that right
next to the DELETE one. Then you can farm them off to nearstorage or
backup, depending on how quickly you might need them.

Basically this whole situation seems to have arisen out of slight
negligence rather than any mis-met expectations that CF or the file system
ought to have delivered. This is cold comfort, I know, but hopefully
there's a lesson in there.

Oh, and finally... yeah, the exception log would have been recreated the
next time CF came to log an exception. If it didn't, you were probably
right to reinstall CF, as your install was bung.

Ray (I presume you're reading)... this thread has good cross-over potential
to that other thread I was commenting on earlier, as to why it's better to
have specialist staff looking after the servers rather than developers,
irrespective of how good they are at being developers. It does not equate
to them being good sysadmins.


On 31 January 2013 18:07, Russ Michaels <r...@michaels.me.uk> wrote:

> personally I find the cfadmin and navigation quite straight forward.
> On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Eric Roberts <
> ow...@threeravensconsulting.com> wrote:
> >
> > apparently, there is no way to clear the logs so you don't have
> > to skip over many months of log entries to get where you want (which is
> > what
> > I was trying to do)
> yes there is, and has been for a very long time, you just click the
> "archive log" button, which archives the log and creates a new one.
> > CF does not recreate the exception log.
> normally it re-creates all the logs if they do not exist, there is
> something wrong with your install
> >  I don't
> > see any logical reason why you would want to permanently delete the
> > exception log or why you would even want that option.
> >
> maybe people want to just delete them instead of arching them when they get
> big. Most people don't even look at the logs let alone archive them and
> look through old ones.
> >
> > --
> Russ Michaels
> www.bluethunderinternet.com  : Business hosting services & solutions
> www.cfmldeveloper.com        : ColdFusion developer community
> www.michaels.me.uk           : my blog
> www.cfsearch.com             : ColdFusion search engine
> **
> *skype me*                     : russmichaels

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