
My one questions is you say that view source is identical from a hacked and
non hacked  server - that seems odd. There are a number of hacks that could
produce results that manipulate your files by adding content. 

This one uses the missing file handler:

and can alter files.

This one that uses the (bad) practice of moving files to a URL accessible
folder before checking them - or relying JUST on the file extension.

Either one of these is capable of producing an iframe or adding content to
files etc. Of course there are others - bad news I know. Sometimes the best
solution in these cases (the one that gives you the most reassurance and
least amount of time spent) is to reinstall on a pristine server - from a
repo if you have it. 


P.S. let CFWT know if you need formal help on this.

Mark Kruger - CFG
CF Webtools
O: 402.932.3318
Skype: markakruger

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom McNeer [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 10:40 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: CF9.02 administrator hack


I've just discovered that one of my servers, running 9.02, has been hacked.
I'm not sure of the update level, because the hack is visible in the
administrator and prevents its use.

It's not the old h.cfm hack. I haven't been able to find any references to
what I'm seeing, but I hope someone else knows what's up.

I have not seen any obvious problems caused in the sites delivered from the
server. It became evident when I tried to log in to the admin today to
check on something.

The immediate symptoms are that an ad appears in an iframe below the CF
Admin login inputs; the username input label has been restyled and appears
to have a link behind it.

A recurring popup says "The page at says: WARNING, Your Java
version is outdated, have security risks, Please update now."

Naturally, none of this is visible in View Source. No reference to other
files and scripts. The View Source is identical to one on a non-hacked

The CF Admin is not publicly accessible - at least not normally. I can see
that a site was added and used temporarily which had a virtual directory
pointing to the admin, most likely one created by running the config tool.
That site is dead now, but it could easily have been a vector at one time.

The CF service _is_ running under the System account. I know this is bad
practice, but I didn't set up the server.

Any suggestions for troubleshooting this would be greatly appreciated. And
I'll certainly be happy provide any other details I can.



Tom McNeer
1735 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306

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