Hi Mark,

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Mark A Kruger <mkru...@cfwebtools.com>

> My one questions is you say that view source is identical from a hacked and
> non hacked  server - that seems odd.

Extremely. That's why I mentioned it. I both looked through the source in a
browser and saved it and did a file compare locally. There was no evidence
of any additional scripting.

> This one uses the missing file handler:
> http://www.coldfusionmuse.com/index.cfm/2013/12/5/attack.vector.missing.temp
> late.handler

Thanks. Yes, I had already read that post, and now I've read the second.

But it doesn't seem to have been the former (I'll explain in a minute), and
while the latter situation is possible (there is one area where an image
could be uploaded to a web-accessible directory), the form is secured by an
admin login. So it's less likely.

What's terminally weird is that I just remoted in to the server again, and
the problem has disappeared. I know that doesn't mean it's "gone," but the
admin is appearing, and working, cleanly now. And the missing template
handler input field is blank, so I guess it wasn't that particular attack.

And the only change I had made was to delete the old, temporary site I
mentioned, the one that did accidentally have a virtual directory for
CFIDE, from IIS. The site was not running, and hadn't been for a long time.
But it did still exist as an entry in IIS.

I can't imagine how that change would make a difference. It's just the only
change that was made between my two logins.

Obviously, I still hope someone has seen a similar attack, because I'm not
all that relieved that the symptom has gone away.

Thanks for your suggestions. If I need more formal help, I'll definitely

> and can alter files.
> This one that uses the (bad) practice of moving files to a URL accessible
> folder before checking them - or relying JUST on the file extension.
> http://www.coldfusionmuse.com/index.cfm/2009/9/18/script.insertion.attack.ve
> ctor
> Either one of these is capable of producing an iframe or adding content to
> files etc. Of course there are others - bad news I know. Sometimes the best
> solution in these cases (the one that gives you the most reassurance and
> least amount of time spent) is to reinstall on a pristine server - from a
> repo if you have it.
> -Mark
> P.S. let CFWT know if you need formal help on this.
> Mark Kruger - CFG
> CF Webtools
> www.cfwebtools.com
> www.coldfusionmuse.com
> O: 402.932.3318
> E: mkru...@cfwebtools.com
> Skype: markakruger
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom McNeer [mailto:tmcn...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 10:40 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: CF9.02 administrator hack
> Hi,
> I've just discovered that one of my servers, running 9.02, has been hacked.
> I'm not sure of the update level, because the hack is visible in the
> administrator and prevents its use.
> It's not the old h.cfm hack. I haven't been able to find any references to
> what I'm seeing, but I hope someone else knows what's up.
> I have not seen any obvious problems caused in the sites delivered from the
> server. It became evident when I tried to log in to the admin today to
> check on something.
> The immediate symptoms are that an ad appears in an iframe below the CF
> Admin login inputs; the username input label has been restyled and appears
> to have a link behind it.
> A recurring popup says "The page at b1.zcxbtm.com says: WARNING, Your Java
> version is outdated, have security risks, Please update now."
> Naturally, none of this is visible in View Source. No reference to other
> files and scripts. The View Source is identical to one on a non-hacked
> server.
> The CF Admin is not publicly accessible - at least not normally. I can see
> that a site was added and used temporarily which had a virtual directory
> pointing to the admin, most likely one created by running the config tool.
> That site is dead now, but it could easily have been a vector at one time.
> The CF service _is_ running under the System account. I know this is bad
> practice, but I didn't set up the server.
> Any suggestions for troubleshooting this would be greatly appreciated. And
> I'll certainly be happy provide any other details I can.
> --
> Thanks,
> Tom
> Tom McNeer
> MediumCool
> http://www.mediumcool.com
> 1735 Johnson Road NE
> Atlanta, GA 30306
> 404.589.0560

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