not really.
I use Ultradev to edit my page layout, not to code. I feel safe (with about
a 10% reservation factor) using Ultradev with code that has been riddled
with CF code. I've only seen a small percentage of F***ups since Ultradev
When I decide in the middle of things that my table needs 5 more colmns, 3
additional rowspans and a few more nested form elemetns, I just might try it
in UD first. However, it can't beat CFStudio for pure raw coding in this
girls opinion.
|-----Original Message-----
|From: Rick Eidson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 9:39 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Ultra Dev 4
|I use Studio is it a good idea to move to UltraDev?
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