Hey all...

I am going to be a complete heel and ask a few questions about SSL to those who seem 
to work with it quite a bit in real world scenarios.  I haven't had to implement an 
SSL-protected site or templates in some time and seem to be stumbling when trying to 
implement a strategy to begin.  

My situation is this:
I have written an entire site, including non-secure forms that collect and store user 
data and the like using CF and SQL Server.  I am in the process of "securing" the 
pages using SSL but have been having problems getting started.  

Is there any way I can use a directory to house both secure and non-secure forms and 
call them merely using https instead of http?  

I am having the worst time in trying to get even a page to show up using IIS's 
"directory security" using an SSL key pointed to an IP using the secured directory.  
There always seems to either be a page not found error or a SSL protected page error.  
Any help at all in getting any or all of these issues ironed out would be extremely 
useful, as I did not think it would take much time at all to roll out a secured 
version of the templates I had already written....which may be an extremely huge 
misguided thought.

Also, does anyone know of a GOOD repository of SSL, IIS, CF and setting these up in 
general?  I have scoured the Microsoft site to no avail, and there is not much better 
info available from Allaire, it seems.  Thanks a ton for the vine...and any help you 
may send my way.


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