I don't work with RDS or FTP, but I've already determined that I'll be
sticking with CF Studio 4.5.2 for the web app I'm developing.  Simply
because I don't like the idea of building a SITE in DWMX so I can work with
my files (yes, I know I can edit my files without a site, but you loose some
of the functionality of DW if you don't create a site - such as dynamic
content - unless you manually code everything.)  I don't like the ideas of
these extra files floating around my web directories.  When I build an app,
the files within my app folder(s) are files required by the app.  This site
file serves no purpose when I deliver my site, and becomes an extra step to
remember if I don't want to transfer that file to my live site.

That said, I DO like most of the features I see in DWMX, and am likely to
use it for future development.  But these little quirks make it difficult to
switch over an existing, partially constructed app.

Shawn Grover

-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 9:57 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Macromedia Folks: What are you thinking?

Why did you remove basic use of FTP/RDS from Studio and replace it with
the Dreamweaver SITE function?

That was by far one of the BEST features of the Studio product, and the
SITE feature is probably one of the worst features of Dreamweaver. What
about those of us who manage more than 1 site, or more than 10 or 50
sites? What about those of us that want to connect to a client's site,
make a minor modification to a page and be done with it? Why should you
HAVE to setup a site for everything you want to edit on a remote server?

I just don't understand why you would remove this feature. I can live
without customizable toolbars or the ability to add new ones. I can live
(although not as easily) without keyboard shortcuts for snippets. I like
a lot of the new features and the new environment is acceptable from a
code standpoint. I've always liked Dreamweaver for layout and design -
so please don't think I'm trying to slam the new product, it has a lot
of nice features and is really a good step in the right direction.

I just can't understand why you would take away this simple, elegant and
VERY useful feature and replace it with such a cumbersome, jakey process
as the Dreamweaver Site management crap. 6 times today alone I've had
modifications or bugs to fix on remote sites. I don't WANT a local copy
of everything I work on. I don't WANT to index all 1200 pages of
someone's site so that I can edit 2 lines of code. I don't WANT to
manage resources or colors or stylesheets or flash documents. I just
want fast, easy access to remote code.

Why is that no longer possible? It takes 3 minutes to load my LOCAL
websites directory and it does it every time I switch from DreamweaverMX
to another application. When I come back it refreshes the directory for
another 3 minutes. All of our developers have had the exact same
complaint and are giving me grief wanting to switch to something other
than "Studio" now.

Am I just missing something? Please tell me you didn't REALLY remove
basic FTP/RDS in favor of this bunch of muck.

Honestly, I'd REALLY like to know from the people who made this decision
why it was done this way. Maybe I'm just looking at it wrong?


Joshua Miller
Web Development :: Programming
Eagle Web Development LLC
(304) 622-5676 (Clarksburg Office)
(304) 456-4942 (Home Office)

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