oi Joshua!!

/me thought that's why they included homesite+ *grinz*

Certified Adv. ColdFusion Developer

Crit[s2k] - <CF_ChannelOP Network="Efnet" Channel="ColdFusion">
Monday, May 6, 2002, 12:56:54 PM, you wrote:

JM> I certainly hope so ... DWMX has a lot of potential, but removing
JM> excellent functionality and replacing it with so-so FrontPage-like
JM> features certainly won't win any points with MY team.

JM> Macromedia, please don't swallow Studio whole - Dreamweaver isn't THAT
JM> good. DreamweaverMX is supposed to be the best of both worlds - coders
JM> want non-invasive control of remote content.

JM> Joshua Miller
JM> Web Development :: Programming
JM> Eagle Web Development LLC
JM> www.eaglewd.com
JM> (304) 622-5676 (Clarksburg Office)
JM> (304) 456-4942 (Home Office)

JM> -----Original Message-----
JM> From: Shawn Grover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
JM> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 12:43 PM
JM> To: CF-Talk
JM> Subject: RE: Macromedia Folks: What are you thinking?

JM> Haven't played with the Synchronize functionality of DWMX.  But I have
JM> used UltraDev.  The synch function in UltraDev makes sure the
JM> folder/file structure of your target source matches your local source -
JM> and the site files were transfered.

JM> Again, I think the integration of DW and CF Studio is well on it's way,
JM> and MM has done an excellent job at it thus far.  But, there's still a
JM> few hicups to iron out.  However, DWMX is still in release candidate
JM> phase - maybe these will be gone when the official release comes out.

JM> Shawn Grover

JM> -----Original Message-----
JM> From: Jeffry Houser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
JM> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 10:22 AM
JM> To: CF-Talk
JM> Subject: RE: Macromedia Folks: What are you thinking?

JM> At 10:17 AM 5/6/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>>I don't work with RDS or FTP, but I've already determined that I'll be 
>>sticking with CF Studio 4.5.2 for the web app I'm developing.  Simply 
>>because I don't like the idea of building a SITE in DWMX so I can work 
>>with my files (yes, I know I can edit my files without a site, but you 
JM> some
>>of the functionality of DW if you don't create a site - such as dynamic

>>content - unless you manually code everything.)  I don't like the ideas

>>of these extra files floating around my web directories.  When I build 
>>an app, the files within my app folder(s) are files required by the 
>>app.  This site file serves no purpose when I deliver my site, and 
>>becomes an extra step to remember if I don't want to transfer that file

>>to my live site.

JM>   I agree with you.  That is my biggest bite about Dreamweaver sites.
JM> At least they aren't as bad as Frontpage, though, right?
JM>   Do those extra folders transfer if you the Dreamweaver synchronize
JM> functionality?

JM> --
JM> Jeffry Houser | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
JM> Need a Web Developer?  Contact me!
JM> AIM: Reboog711  | Fax / Phone: 860-223-7946
JM> --
JM> My Books: http://www.instantcoldfusion.com
JM> My Band: http://www.farcryfly.com
JM> --
JM> Will I be on the streets tomorrow, Will I have to beg and Borrow Will I
JM> have to go back to the job I left behind?

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