AMEN! If they removed it compelely i agree ;)

I'm too busy heads down in JSp crap to look into the new CF stuff

Bill Wheatley
Senior Database Developer
Macromedia Certified Advanced Coldfusion Developer
954.360.9022 X159
ICQ 417645
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 11:56 AM
Subject: Macromedia Folks: What are you thinking?

> Why did you remove basic use of FTP/RDS from Studio and replace it with
> the Dreamweaver SITE function?
> That was by far one of the BEST features of the Studio product, and the
> SITE feature is probably one of the worst features of Dreamweaver. What
> about those of us who manage more than 1 site, or more than 10 or 50
> sites? What about those of us that want to connect to a client's site,
> make a minor modification to a page and be done with it? Why should you
> HAVE to setup a site for everything you want to edit on a remote server?
> I just don't understand why you would remove this feature. I can live
> without customizable toolbars or the ability to add new ones. I can live
> (although not as easily) without keyboard shortcuts for snippets. I like
> a lot of the new features and the new environment is acceptable from a
> code standpoint. I've always liked Dreamweaver for layout and design -
> so please don't think I'm trying to slam the new product, it has a lot
> of nice features and is really a good step in the right direction.
> I just can't understand why you would take away this simple, elegant and
> VERY useful feature and replace it with such a cumbersome, jakey process
> as the Dreamweaver Site management crap. 6 times today alone I've had
> modifications or bugs to fix on remote sites. I don't WANT a local copy
> of everything I work on. I don't WANT to index all 1200 pages of
> someone's site so that I can edit 2 lines of code. I don't WANT to
> manage resources or colors or stylesheets or flash documents. I just
> want fast, easy access to remote code.
> Why is that no longer possible? It takes 3 minutes to load my LOCAL
> websites directory and it does it every time I switch from DreamweaverMX
> to another application. When I come back it refreshes the directory for
> another 3 minutes. All of our developers have had the exact same
> complaint and are giving me grief wanting to switch to something other
> than "Studio" now.
> Am I just missing something? Please tell me you didn't REALLY remove
> basic FTP/RDS in favor of this bunch of muck.
> Honestly, I'd REALLY like to know from the people who made this decision
> why it was done this way. Maybe I'm just looking at it wrong?
> Thanks,
> Joshua Miller
> Web Development :: Programming
> Eagle Web Development LLC
> (304) 622-5676 (Clarksburg Office)
> (304) 456-4942 (Home Office)
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