> IMHO opening a file via RDS and/or especially via FTP is simply bad
> practice - it is an accident waiting to happen.

I know you Macromedia folks are proud of DWMX, and you should be--it's a
great step forward from Dreamweaver 4.  But this kind of statement
really doesn't do anything for your case.  Treating us like children
will only antagonize us.  Studio was built with the ability to open a
file via RDS and FTP, and we're USING it!  *That's* the reason why DWMX
should have it!  I've wished many times that TopStyle Pro, for instance,
had the same functionality--because it's useful to me.

> Dreamweaver is also far more extensible than CF Studio, I have never
> needed to extend Studio - it does exactly what it says on the tin.

Well, it depends what you mean by extensible.  DWMX is NOT extensible in
the way I want it to be: Keyboard shortcuts for snippets, custom toolbar
buttons, custom toolbars.  And no, I don't want to edit an xml file just
to add a button.

> - but NOT fully, and I don’t think it ever will - there would be no
> point - Dreamweaver is a great GUI tool, and it is now a
> great code tool - in many flavours.

There a couple of reasons why there's such an uproar, I think.  First,
you've rolled so much of Studio into DWMX that we're afraid that Studio
is going to disappear.  This fear is compounded by the fact that we
haven't seen Homesite+ (it's compounded even more by the fact that it's
called Homesite+, which has the implication that it's less than Studio
was--not that it's true, just that there's the implication).

Second:  At least for some of us, we *like* a lot of the features of
DWMX, but we're frustrated that it can't be our single editing tool yet.
I'd like nothing more than to have all of Dreamweaver's power right
there when I needed it.  But as it is, I'll still have to be switching
between tools.

        -- Owen

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