Agreed. One of the problems with CFSCRIPT is that it is not ECMAScript
compliant. When switching between JavaScript and CFSCRIPT, it can
often get confusing - especially when you are dealing with conditions.
I imagine this will be the same case with developers who shift between

One of the Adobe engineers at WebDU hinted that operators were being
looked at in the new version of ColdFusion, so perhaps we are edging


On 5/9/06, Gary Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That is an unreasonable comment, Mark.
> We aren't asking for something "new" to be added - we are just asking for
> something that already (almost) exists to be made "standard".
> MM introduced CFSCRIPT in the first place (maybe it was because someone
> asked for it - I dont know) - but they should now SUPPORT what is there and
> make it standard.
> Regards,
> Gary
> On 5/9/06, Mark Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > It might be better get Adobe to update the cfscript tag to include
> > > lang="ecmascript" that way it opens to door to lang="java" or whatever
> > > your favourite language that has a java compiler for it. Thus by
> > > default lang="cfscript" and then you're open to mix and match
> > > scripting languages to you hearts content.
> >
> > I've heard this suggestion before too...
> >
> > Cool so now we have cfm, cfscript, server-side actionscript (whatever
> > the hell that is), mxml,  cfECMAscript... I know I'd just love to
> > support all that if I was Adobe.
> >
> > Intertestingly enough Sun are working on allowing php, python, ruby
> > etc... to also run on the JVM
> > (
> > maybe we can also get all of this in CF? That way you could pick
> > languages like you pick underwear (hopefully one for each day of the
> > week).
> >
> > --
> > Mark Stanton
> > Gruden Pty Ltd
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > >
> >

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