> It might be better get Adobe to update the cfscript tag to include
> lang="ecmascript" that way it opens to door to lang="java" or whatever
> your favourite language that has a java compiler for it. Thus by
> default lang="cfscript" and then you're open to mix and match
> scripting languages to you hearts content.

I've heard this suggestion before too...

Cool so now we have cfm, cfscript, server-side actionscript (whatever
the hell that is), mxml,  cfECMAscript... I know I'd just love to
support all that if I was Adobe.

Intertestingly enough Sun are working on allowing php, python, ruby
etc... to also run on the JVM
maybe we can also get all of this in CF? That way you could pick
languages like you pick underwear (hopefully one for each day of the

Mark Stanton
Gruden Pty Ltd

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