For me it works absolutely fine, Mac OS X 10.6.7 64 bit.


It usually hovers around 200 MB used heap (and that's with 15-20 cfm/cfc/js 
files open).

I had performance trouble during some of the pre-release rounds but the CF team 
did an awesome job eliminating those issues imho.

Personally I run CFB2 (actually everything) as plugins in an Eclipse setup 
instead of a stand-alone install. It _shouldn't_ make a difference re 
performance, but I subjectively feel that it does to me (besides the 
flexibility) - I use Eclipse 3.6.1 64bit.


> How are people finding CFBuilder2?
> I've been using the trial for a while, even increased the memory to 1gb,
> but it really doesn't feel stable enough as a primary IDE, I'm finding it 
> often
> locks up and even simple things like clicking search results don't always
> actually open the file and scroll to the first match?
> if there was a swear jar on my desk, it would be full

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