I couldnt agree more with those goals...

Also, I like the philisophy around your perlmonks.org

People should be able to get these things going pretty
easily and then get more detailed as needed.  

Kind of like buying a car, they package the car with a
few options and almost anyone can drive it. A serious
enthusiast can mod the car later on an as needed
basis.  First its the exhaust, then you add the intake
when you learn a little more, then you add suspension
when you learn a little more, then you add 
a turbo kit when you get more advanced, and so on.

Working with some of these modules is like trying to
install a turbo kit on a car that I dont even know how
to work.


--- Mark Stosberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So I've caught up all the re-branding conversation.
> I'll try to add a 
> fresh perspective.
> There are really two things we are talking about
> here. One is a single 
> Perl module named CGI::Application. The other is a
> Larger Thing Which 
> Not Yet Been Named. Roughly, this is "what you can
> do with 
> CGI::Application and the forty-something plugins for
> it".
> When I wrote the "Catalyst Compared" article, I was
> referring to the 
> Larger Thing. Other people have started to use words
> "CGI::Application" 
> to mean this Larger Thing, too, and it's no wonder
> it doesn't feel 
> adequate, as it is easily confused with the single
> Perl module.
> I think both things are worth name adjustments, but
> they are rather 
> different cases. "CGI::Application" would be nice to
> change to get CGI 
> out of the name. First, CGI is needless jargon for
> new users. Second, 
> for power users, it sounds like it specializes in an
> older technology,
> when in truth it works great in fast, persistent
> environments.
> I propose "Web::Application" for this purpose, with
> an alias for 
> compatibility. Some suggested this was sub-optimal
> because it's not 
> Google'able. This is not important for the success
> of a Perl module.
> Simple, more technical names are often better.
> Consider the modules 
> "Template", "HTML::Template" and "CGI", which are
> all extremely popular 
> despite totally generic names.
> The Larger Thing Which Has Not Yet Been Named is
> very different story. 
> It could be targeted at a different audience. New
> Users. Non Perl users.
> Users of other web frameworks.
> The problem with the Larger Thing Which Has Not Yet
> Been Named is that 
> it hasn't been particularly built yet either, unless
> we want to continue 
> to refer to nebulous plugin-collection we have now.
> Personally, I'd like to see something concrete
> appear that really takes 
> us into into new territory. It might meet these
> goals:
>   - Easy installation. No CPAN needed.
>   - Bundles the most popular plugins by default.
>   - Includes one or more example applications and
> tutorials.
>   - Deployable without shell access. To accomplish
> this, perhaps
>     CGI::Application::Server would be used to build
> and test the
>     application locally.
>   - Has cool marketing name referring to this
> specific Larger Thing.
> That's my own vision for bringing our easy-to-learn
> framework to those 
> who are just learning. ( I explain the philosophy of
> this more here:
> http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=519032 ). There
> are a lot of other
> larger concrete framework-like-things which can be
> built on top of 
> CGI::Application. We don't need to stop at just one
> or agree on a single 
> concept.
> But I do think it would help tremendously if there
> were something 
> concrete to represent the Larger Thing Which Has Not
> Yet Been Named.
>        Mark
> Web Archive: 
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=cgiapp&r=1&w=2
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