sorry for being late on the subject .....

Mark Stosberg wrote:
Michael Peters wrote:

I think we should drop 'CGI' from the name. It has a very negative connotation with some people. They think that CGI scripts are 1990's web even though almost
all dynamic web sites operate over the CGI protocol.

Web::Application? Web::App ?

I agree, and I don't think we should wait for Perl6 to do this. Perl5 will be here for a /long time/.

I think "Web::Application" is a logical choice. I think it would be easy to publish a distribution where "CGI::Application" continued to work as a synonym, (think "use base 'Web::Application'. :), so there would be backwards compatibility.

In parallel, I'd like to see more full-featured frameworks, like CGI::Application::Framework, which are built-on top of this, and that have flashier names of their own. In the past, our conversation was focused more along these lines.

... but the last sentence just caught my eye. I've dubbed my
"own-little-not-publishable-framework-that's-based-on-CGI::App" Cappoom.
I think it's obvious where the name comes from.
I find it (naturally) a quite catchy name.

And just to add a little more opinion to this post:
I totally agree and think it's past time, to market "Larger Thing Which
Has Not Yet Been Named" a lot more.
It's amazing what you can do with it, without bringing a huge framework
into the game. And by huge I mean things like Catalyst or Rails. "Larger
Thing Which Has Not Yet Been Named" is always lightweight and grows with
your needs. I find that a really great feature, which allows new users
to get going really fast, and maintain that high speed over time.



P.S. To give you a little context about my opinion. I've been on and off
CGI::App since v1. I've always come back to it, because of the mentioned
lightweight-ness. I just recently did a medium sized project with it,
and choose CGI::App over all the other new-kids-on-the-block frameworks
because it's so well thought out, mature, great-to-work with etc

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