And do not forget their efforts in software!  They invented - and tried to 
inflict on everyone, including me - that incredibly stupid and incredibly 
unsuccessful language, giving it the arrogant name PL1.  Having learned it at 
the University of Toronto, I discovered there was no place within hundreds of 
miles to use it!  Meanwhile they ignored the wonderful APL, hatched in their 
own nest.  
Yes.  You are right.  Thinking about it, it is a bit strange that they are 
still in business. 

> On Apr 13, 2021, at 8:56 AM, Ian Clark <> wrote:
>> They misunderstood the PC. They thought it was just a toy and ignored it.
> Not as I recall. Mainframe division understood it all too well. They fought
> like hell in the early 80s to stop it happening. And to stop microcomputers
> (the PC wasn't the first, or – as Bill Gates pointed out – the best)
> driving out the IT dept from banks and insurance companies, the main milch
> cows.
> Others in the company saw the victory of micros as inevitable, and wanted a
> slice of the action. So they set up Boca Raton behind a Chinese Wall. I
> think their battle cry was: No EBCDIC!
> The counter-arguments were quite persuasive (e.g. dispersal of the
> expertise concentrated in IT depts, so employees would get all these
> wonderful PCs but never learn how to use them) - but not persuasive enough,
> and their shock-horror projections all came to pass.
> Including the ill effects for customers. Wall-to-wall Excel has not been an
> unmitigated success.
> As for what happened next, I recommend Lou Gerstner's book: *Who Says
> Elephants Can't Dance?* Every old-school IBMer's darkest nightmare: a
> customer takeover. Lou even got IBM selling chips as a commodity.
> Well… you don't get rich selling clothes-pegs to gypsies.
>> On Tue, 13 Apr 2021 at 13:59, Don Guinn <> wrote:
>> They misunderstood the PC. They thought it was just a toy and ignored it.
>>> On Mon, Apr 12, 2021, 7:09 PM Björn Helgason <> wrote:
>>> When i was a product manager there I was told that when we wanted to sell
>>> something the selling price should deliver at least 10 times more than
>>> cost.
>>> Less than that they were not interested.
>>> We are not in the fingers and toes business I was told.
>>> That was 30 years ago.
>>> They have been going downhill ever since I left.
>>> Þann mán., 12. apr. 2021, 18:25 'Rodney Nicholson' via Chat skrifaði <
>>>> “ 13 layers of managers.”
>>>> The explanation of their survival is, I believe, their huge profit
>>>> margins.
>>>> I still recall when they got a contract to electronically handle the
>>>> Toronto Stock Exchange trading system where they charged $18 per
>>>> transaction.  Their cost of course was just a few electrons per
>>> transaction.
>>>> They were in effect a monopoly at the time.  And monopolies always
>> waste
>>>> huge quantities of resources, accordingly reducing everone’s living
>>>> standards.
>>>> Rodney.
>>>>> On Apr 12, 2021, at 10:15 AM, Björn Helgason <>
>> wrote:
>>>>> apl lives on even if ibm goes away.
>>>>> it is really amazing that ibm is still around.
>>>>> 13 layers of managers.
>>>>> Þann mán., 12. apr. 2021, 13:51 Raul Miller skrifaði <
>>>>>> :
>>>>>> That's disappointing.
>>>>>> Not surprising -- just disappointing.
>>>>>> Still, there's J, there's Dyalog APL, there's GNU APL, and there's k
>>>> and q.
>>>>>> Not to mention various hardware array concepts, such as greenarrays
>>> and
>>>>>> gpus.
>>>>>> And, maybe, IBM will go back up at some point?
>>>>>> Who knows...
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Raul
>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 5:05 AM Björn Helgason <>
>>>> wrote:
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