“A few of us at I.P. Sharp Associates ported SHARP APL to the PC when that came 
Yes.  I bought an IBM PC with APL installed from Isaac Ehrlick in 1983.  And 
ran it until the cards bent out of shape from repeated heating/cooling cycles 
fifteen years later!  I remember him saying when I bought it that: “If it 
doesn’t malfunction in the next two weeks, it never will”.
I am currently running a Lenovo!  But no longer actively using APL.  If I need 
it in the future I will use J, I think.

> On Apr 13, 2021, at 10:34 AM, Robert Bernecky <berne...@snakeisland.com> 
> wrote:
> I agree, Ian,
> A few of us at I.P. Sharp Associates ported SHARP APL
> to the PC when that came out. When IBM announced the
> XT/370 expansion card for the PC/XT, we snagged a few
> of them, probably with help from Lisa Fincato, our IBM
> sales rep. And then, we got the AT/370 card, which was almost
> entirely usable as an APL system.  SHARP APL on the AT/370 ran at
> about the same speed as an IBM 360/40 mainframe,
> so it definitely represented a threat to IBM's big iron business:
> The cards were expensive to purchase, but probably
> ran about the same price as a one-day rental of a 360/40.
> IBM could have cranked the entire PC business into a
> 370-compatible architecture, but the bean counters ensured
> that it was hidden under as many baskets as they could find.
> The 370 architecture of that day would still have been a
> far superior system to the rubbish X86 "designs" that we have
> now. Oh, Atlantis!
> I may still have one of those cards kicking around, and
> I donated another to the Canadian Computer Museum
> at York University. It was still working when I last saw it,
> running SHARP APL/PC370 (name?) thanks to an assist from Bill Kindree, and 
> support from Dr. Z at York U.
> We took one of our AT/370 (or maybe it was just SHARP
> APL/PC, running our hand-crafted S370 emulator. Not sure...)
> systems to APL86 in Manchester, UK,
> and demonstrated it at the IPSA booth there.
> I had earlier designed* fast algorithms for inner products
> on SHARP APL, and proceeded to race our PC interpreter
> on that against Jim Brown and his APL2 (dialup connection)
> system. My STAR algorithm did (at least) 32 bits at a time,
> so those inner products ran about 1000X faster than previously.
> I showed Jim something like +/,M∨.∧⍉M←1000 1000 ⍴0 1
> and it took maybe seven seconds. He then tried it on his
> gonzo Big Iron, and after waiting a few minutes, gave up,
> but could not break out of execution of the expression, so
> hung up the phone. He tried again later, with the same result,
> only to receive word from the data center operators to
> please stop what he was doing, because he had crashed their
> entire system. Twice.
> Good algorithms win over tin.
> Bob
> * "Designed" is one of those computer words, akin to T.S Eliot's:
>    "good writers borrow, great writers steal."
>    A few people at IPSA (I was not among them, alas. My days
>    in supercomputing lay ahead.) implemented a STAR APL,
>    an APL interpreter for the CDC STAR-100 supercomputer,
>    then being designed and built just outside Toronto.
>    This machine had a
>    memory-to-memory architecture (no registers, vector or
>    otherwise), as was fairly common at the time (IBM 1620,
>    IBM 1401). It took a long time for a STAR instruction to
>    get started, but it ran at a very good clip then, much like
>    typical APL interpreters.
>    Hence, just like good APL code, good STAR code
>    encouraged minimizing instruction counts to get more
>    results per op by vector ops.
>    The crew implementing STAR APL realized that
>    a row-column scalar inner product was not going to work
>    well, so somebody (I don't know who, but would like to find
>    out, so that I can give them credit in the future...) tweaked
>    the computation loop order so that, for Z←⍺ F.G ⍵
>      - each element of ⍺ was fetched exactly once
>      - that element would be applied against an entire row of ⍵,
>        scalar-vector:
>           t←⍺[k;m] G ⍵[i;]
>      - the resulting vector, t, would be applied vector-vector:
>           t2←Z[j;] G t
>        If the STAR was like other CDC/CRAY architectures,
>        it hardware-fused those two ops, so never actually generated t.
>        [They had a phrase to describe that generalized fusion
>        capability, but I can't remember what it was called.]
>        Alas, the STAR's Achilles' Heel was the slow startup
>        time for instructions. This meant that it worked great
>        on big arrays, and poorly on small ones. [Does this
>        sound like an APL interpreter?] Hence, later CDC/CRAY
>        architectures had much-improved scalar support.
>        Back to Booleans: I was being pestered by one of
>        the deep-pocket IPSA customers to "fix" the dismal
>        performance of inner product when one of the arguments
>        was Boolean. I remembered the STAR APL algorithm,
>        and realized that it could enable a few Good Things:
>            1. Application of G could work a row of ⍵ at a time,
>                so for common G (∨ ∧ ...), we could compute
>                32 bits of that with one instruction (Booleans
>                are stored one-bit per element, in ravel order.).
>             2. Application of F often would also allow operating
>                 on 32 bits at a time.
>             3. If an element of ⍺ is an identity for G, we can
>                 skip that computation step, and just use the row
>                 of ⍵.
>             4. Similarly, if an element of ⍺ is a "zero" for G,
>                 AND if that "zero" is a left identity for F, we can
>                 skip both computations.
>          And so on. The cost of the checks in 3 and 4 are
>          amortized over an entire row of ⍵, giving us superior
>          performance on densely stored sparse arrays.
>          Fast skips over elements of ⍺ are trivial to implement.
>         I think this was at the time when we were making substantial
>         interpreter changes for Hitachi, so a bit of good work
>         on inner product fit well into the picture. I convinced dba (David
>         Allen) to do the low-level design and implementation,
>         with wonderful results.
> Bob
> On 2021-04-13 10:55 a.m., Ian Clark wrote:
>>> They misunderstood the PC. They thought it was just a toy and ignored it.
>> Not as I recall. Mainframe division understood it all too well. They fought
>> like hell in the early 80s to stop it happening. And to stop microcomputers
>> (the PC wasn't the first, or – as Bill Gates pointed out – the best)
>> driving out the IT dept from banks and insurance companies, the main milch
>> cows.
>> Others in the company saw the victory of micros as inevitable, and wanted a
>> slice of the action. So they set up Boca Raton behind a Chinese Wall. I
>> think their battle cry was: No EBCDIC!
>> The counter-arguments were quite persuasive (e.g. dispersal of the
>> expertise concentrated in IT depts, so employees would get all these
>> wonderful PCs but never learn how to use them) - but not persuasive enough,
>> and their shock-horror projections all came to pass.
>> Including the ill effects for customers. Wall-to-wall Excel has not been an
>> unmitigated success.
>> As for what happened next, I recommend Lou Gerstner's book: *Who Says
>> Elephants Can't Dance?* Every old-school IBMer's darkest nightmare: a
>> customer takeover. Lou even got IBM selling chips as a commodity.
>> Well… you don't get rich selling clothes-pegs to gypsies.
>> On Tue, 13 Apr 2021 at 13:59, Don Guinn <dongu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> They misunderstood the PC. They thought it was just a toy and ignored it.
>>>> On Mon, Apr 12, 2021, 7:09 PM Björn Helgason <gos...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> When i was a product manager there I was told that when we wanted to sell
>>>> something the selling price should deliver at least 10 times more than
>>>> cost.
>>>> Less than that they were not interested.
>>>> We are not in the fingers and toes business I was told.
>>>> That was 30 years ago.
>>>> They have been going downhill ever since I left.
>>>> Þann mán., 12. apr. 2021, 18:25 'Rodney Nicholson' via Chat skrifaði <
>>>> c...@jsoftware.com>:
>>>>> “ 13 layers of managers.”
>>>>> The explanation of their survival is, I believe, their huge profit
>>>>> margins.
>>>>> I still recall when they got a contract to electronically handle the
>>>>> Toronto Stock Exchange trading system where they charged $18 per
>>>>> transaction.  Their cost of course was just a few electrons per
>>>> transaction.
>>>>> They were in effect a monopoly at the time.  And monopolies always
>>> waste
>>>>> huge quantities of resources, accordingly reducing everone’s living
>>>>> standards.
>>>>> Rodney.
>>>>>> On Apr 12, 2021, at 10:15 AM, Björn Helgason <gos...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>> apl lives on even if ibm goes away.
>>>>>> it is really amazing that ibm is still around.
>>>>>> 13 layers of managers.
>>>>>> Þann mán., 12. apr. 2021, 13:51 Raul Miller skrifaði <
>>>>> rauldmil...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> That's disappointing.
>>>>>>> Not surprising -- just disappointing.
>>>>>>> Still, there's J, there's Dyalog APL, there's GNU APL, and there's k
>>>>> and q.
>>>>>>> Not to mention various hardware array concepts, such as greenarrays
>>>> and
>>>>>>> gpus.
>>>>>>> And, maybe, IBM will go back up at some point?
>>>>>>> Who knows...
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Raul
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 5:05 AM Björn Helgason <gos...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/apl2-whats-new
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> -- 
> Robert Bernecky
> Snake Island Research Inc
> 18 Fifth Street
> Ward's Island
> Toronto, Ontario M5J 2B9
> berne...@snakeisland.com
> tel:       +1 416 203 0854
> text/cell: +1 416 996 4286
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