On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 12:33:33PM +0900, Sam Joseph wrote:
> > > > Um, I was under the impression that all data (text, etc..) on
> freenet
> > > > is encrypted - how the hell are you going to implement a language
> > > > filter on that ?
> > >
> > > If you wanted to filter it you could do it at the nodes when people
> > > inserted stuff.
> > No, you couldn't.
> Why not?
> > > I'm not recommending doing it, I'm just trying to
> > > discuss what is possible.
> > It is not possible.
> I don't believe you.
> What is it with this?  Are you telling me that I couldn't set up a P2P
> network that stored cryptographically hashed content and did routing
> like freenet, but where the nodes blocked input of non natural-language
> text files?

You could do this, but it would obviously mean the nodes would be dealing
with unencrypted files.

> You might not like it, but I don't think there are any technical reasons
> why it couldn't be done.
> And anyway, I'm not suggesting you do it, or even intending to do it
> myself, I'm still just trying to ask
> "DOES protecting freedom of speech REQUIRE the ability to _anonymously_
> distribute IMAGES and not just natural language TEXT."

Ethically, perhaps not, but technically, yes.  Suppose you set up this
hypothetical Freenet-like system that deals in unencrypted files.  It's
now trivial for node operators to determine what content is stored on
their own node, and what content is being requested or inserted by
other nodes.

How resistant to censorship do you expect this network to be?


# tavin cole
# "The process of scientific discovery is, in effect,
#  a continual flight from wonder."
#                                   - Albert Einstein

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