> begin Michael quotation of Wed, Oct 17, 2001 at 08:39:47PM -0500:
> > Usually I've always tried to concentrate disk space at the servers. These
> > days with 20gigger drives in even the most basic client machines it'd be
> > great to use the extra diskspace but I'd still rather serve up that extra
> > diskspace via Samba, NFS, or some similar technology that is already built
> > into the client OS's and I know how to secure.
> What happens when a desktop machine gets rebooted?  That One Big
> Node has to deal with losing and regaining arbitrary large chunks
> of datastore at any time.  Sounds hard.

If Freenet can't handle a few machines going down for a few minutes a day, then it's 
screwed anyway.  You should be able to shut off any random node for a few hours at a 
time with little to no ill effects on the overall network.  Any nodes that attempt to 
get data from a down node will flush that node from it's data store, though, but it 
can reroute the request to the next most likely node.

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