On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 17:58:12 -0800 ian at hawk.freenetproject.org (Ian
Clarke) writes:

> For all you or I know, we might both be living in countries where
> Scientologists can weild that kind of power.  Adobe can already put
> someone in jail for writing a piece of useful code which doesn't 
> allow
> someone to do anything illegal.  Compared to that, this almost 
> seems
> sane.

CoS is attacking people left and right, not only because of Copyright
infringement but also because of thier claims that the Public School
system and the Medical community conspired to invent a mental illness,
ADD/ADHD, and use that so-called false diagnoses to make Millions of
dollars by scamming the public.  This is totaly rediculous, and I KNOW
this because I have suffered from ADD my whole life, and there IS NO CURE
for anyone over the age of 5, I think.  The only absolute CURE is a
method of reorganizeing the brain while it is still doing a LOT of
developing and changeing.  Once that process of development slows down,
and patterns have become pretty much set, there is no way to reverse the
disorder or retrain the brain to deal with it.

And of course, the CoS thinks that the only way to deal with kids and
adults with this so-called fake disorder is to do "hands on assists", or
have them just join the CoS.

I normaly don't try to flame or bash people based on their beliefs, if
you want to believe something, go ahead, I don't care.  But I have a
MAJOR problem when people try to enforce their beleifs on others, or try
to hurt, either psychologicaly, physicaly, or financialy, anyone with
different beliefs, or opinions.  Unless the hurting is socialy necessary
in order to prevent a person or group of people from causing more harm
than they already have.

> You are right, not running any blockers at all *is* the better 
> defense, 
> so why would we put code in Freenet that makes it easier for people 
> to 
> write and run blockers (and is of little other practical use)?

Exactly, why should Freenet developers attempt to make censorship of the
network they are trying to create easier?  It is illogical.  This network
is supposed to FIGHT censorship, in all forms, and at all times.  It
would be either hypocritical or stupid or both to tout the
anti-censorship that Freenet is supposed to represent, meanwhile trying
to make censorship easier to accomplish.

> Not at all, the CoS lawyers have proof that they got the documents 
> from 
> his node, whether he subsequently deletes them is irrelevant.

All the CoS has to do is INSERT one of these illegal documents, to be
certain that they are in fact in existance on Freenet, then request those
same documents and track down the exact nodes from which they were able
to recieve the documents and prosecute the people running those nodes. 
Easy.  They don't have to prove Who put the data on freenet in the first
place, so it doesn't even matter whether THEY did it or not.  All they
have to prove is that the node operators KNOWINGLY ran and used a piece
of software that allowed the illegal dissemination of their copyrighted
material.  Thus proveing that copyright law has been broken by the
defendants.  Easy.

> And your assertion that our motive is to sweep the problem under 
> the
> carpet by removing this command is also disgusting, because I have 
> made
> it clear several times during this debate, as have others, that it 
> will
> still be possible for people to hack their nodes to add this kind 
> of
> functionality, but that doesn't mean we should make it easier for 
> them. 

I still don't understand how it is possible to KNOW exactly which
encrypted keys in the datastore are the ones you supposedly want to
delete.  Why not just delete the datastore?

> It has been pointed out over and over again that this command is a 
> terrible way to confirm insertion of content, the best way is to run 
> two 
> nodes.

This is all about insertion confirmation?!  That's easy, all you have to
do is have two seperate nodes.  Insert useing one node, with it's own
individual datastore, then shut it down and run your other node to try to
retrieve that same data, if it arrives, you know it inserted on the
network.  Man, that's child's play, easy as pie, the simplist thing in
the world!! :)

> Firstly, you don't need this - there are better ways, and secondly, 
> you 
> should be glad that we put the goals of the project ahead of 
> short-term 
> convenience.

I know I am. :)

Convenience is something you PAY for, if you want all the luxuries in the
world, you gotta earn the cash.  I'm more than willing to deal with slow
or difficult circumstances when I'm not paying for it.  I don't look a
gift horse in the mouth and turn it away just because it limps a little.

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