On Fri, 8 Feb 2002 15:13:54 +1300 David McNab <david at rebirthing.co.nz>

> I grew up with symptoms completely consistent with the diagnostic
> protocols for ADD/ADHD, and now enjoy a life completely free of 
> that
> condition. I do owe my healing to a process seen in some quarters 
> to
> be at least as controversial as CoS. Using a similar process, my 
> wife
> freed herself of diabetes and epilepsy.

I intend to free myself someday of my ADD as well, but, I'm not yet
convinced of the methods you claim worked for you. :)  Sorry. :)

> In most areas, I feel that CoS are a PoS.
> But I (reluctantly) have to support them in these particular 
> claims.
> If the ADD/ADHD 'labels' had existed during my childhood, I would 
> have
> been fed the amphetamines etc to 'manage' the condition, in which
> case, I doubt I would have had any capability to heal in the way I 
> am
> now healed.

PoS?  What's that?

As long as you don't start trying to attack the medical community and
public school system because of a misguided and incorrect belief that ADD
and ADHD never existed, I've got no problem at all with your beliefs. :) 
I was totally dependant on other people when I was a kid, dependant on
what they thought and their ideas of how to help me.  If it weren't for
the medical community I might not EVER have graduated from High School. 
And if it hadn't been for my parents Fighting as much as they did against
a system full of idiots, I might never have been admitted into ANY
special education program of any kind, which means I would have been left
behind multiple times or even expelled and sent to some strict, military
type boarding school or something, which would have only made things MUCH

The public school system and the medical community have their problems, I
have said as much many times, but at LEAST they realized that I have a
REAL DISABILITY and Actually tried to help me.

Perhaps it is not a good idea, in fact I'm pretty sure it isn't, to give
kids amphetamines, but the only kind of drug the Medical community is
aware of that can help keep the brain from going bonkers with boredom is
stimulants.  The brain of an ADD/ADHD human NEEDS a great deal more
stimulus than normal brains, and will instantly switch to a different
process or turn off processes entirely when the stimulus it is receiving
is not enough.  For instance, I experience, on a regular basis, complete
sensory shut down.  ALL of my conscious awareness of the outside world
simply shuts down, and only because my brain isn't getting enough outside
stimulus and shuts off the things that are TOO BORING!!

My parents and teachers had a saying which I totally disagree with in
every way, it went like this, "You can only be bored if you are a boring
person".  HA!!!!  I am FAR from a boring person, I am so totally random
and constantly active all over the place that the word Boring cannot
apply to my behavior.  Bored is merely a word that describes a lack of
enough stimulus.  Most normal people experience very slight boredom
whenever they are experiencing things that they don't like or don't care
about, like a teacher with a monotone voice droning on and on about a
subject that is totally uninteresting.  But people like ME experience the
absolute MAXIMUM amount of boredom, almost instantly.  All sensory input
literally gets turned off and is replaced by a Storm of images, sounds,
smells, and other sensations that are taken randomly from memories or
generated randomly by the imagination.

ADD and ADHD are just like being placed in a sensory depravation tank for
a couple hours at a time.  It can be enough to drive a person crazy!!!
Has anyone on this list ever been placed into sen-dep tanks?  I read a
book called "The ship who sang" and "The City who fought" and such, by
Ann McCaffry, very cool author, and the main characters are people with
physical disabilities or diseases that could only be fixed by putting
them into tanks and wireing their brains directly to machines.  The tanks
are permanently sealed and totaly self sustaining, when they are powered
and connected to a mainframe system.  The person within this tank, or
Shell, is called a Shell Person, and their abilities are incredible, they
can control Ships and Cities as if they are their own bodies.  And they
live a long long time.  Anyway, when a Shell Person is disconnected from
thier mainframe, even for a few seconds, they are plunged into sen-dep
and start going totaly insane.  If they are in sen-dep for any longer
than a couple minutes, because their brains are amped up so very much,
they go totaly insane.  And the only thing to do is turn off the life
support.  Because when a Shell-Person goes sen-dep crazy, they are
irretreivably randomized.  The only thing they are capable of is
screaming with one loud single mental spasm that never stops.

That is very much like what I go through with ADD.  My condition is so
frustrateing and so disabeling that I just snap sometimes.  I HATE

So you can understand when I get angry at people who say that ADD and
ADHD don't exist, right?
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