On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 10:11:14 -0800 ian at hawk.freenetproject.org (Ian
Clarke) writes:

> Other Freenet users look on in fear, and most obediently download 
> and 
> install "LiesBeGone(tm)" to avoid the same fate.  Suddenly the 
> Church of 
> Scientology decides what is and isn't permitted on Freenet.
> Ian.

I agree, any capability for censorship AT ALL instantly threatens the
freedom that Freenet was created to protect.  Because the government can
ENFORCE censorship once it finds a way for censorship to work.

Destroying the Kidy Porn market should not be a battle against sick
individuals, no matter what you do they will always exist, and they are
far too numerous to find them all and stop them from looking at the
disgusting things they look at.  The ONLY LOGICAL way to defeat the Kidy
only thing against child porn is the physical and psychological abuse of
the children being photographed or otherwise recorded.  And that only
happens because the people who create that evil content are makeing
money, and lots of it.  We need to force them into another line of work. 

Why did we end the ban on alchohol in the US?  Could it be that Demand
was too high, and Supply limited only by what a distributor could get
away with, which was a LOT?  Could it be that the Law Enforcement system
was so heavily corrupted and so crippled that not only did it not totaly
STOP the Illegal Alchohol market, but actualy HELPED it?  The only
LOGICAL way to stop the massive amount of violence, such as beatings and
murder, and absolute corruption of government was to MAKE ALCHOHOL LEGAL
again.  That is also the only way to solve the Illegal Drug problem.  The
demand is far too high, and the suppliers far too violent and getting
wealthier every day.  The Law and it's enforcement isn't defeating the
Illegal Drug problem, it is helping it.

The same must happen to the creators of child porn, their source of
income MUST be taken away from them, by giveing the freaks what they
want, for free.  Or for a very small fee, like alchohol.

There are people who say that Drugs are bad because of the crime it
generates.  The same argument was used for alchohol, during the
prohibition of it.  When are people going to actualy LEARN from their
mistakes and actualy apply LOGIC to their lives?!!

I'm not saying that Child porn or drugs like Cocain and stuff are good,
they are very bad, but so is tobacco and alchohol and a number of other
things.  Should we make all of the possibly harmfull things that we know
about illegal?  Should we ban cleansing chemicals because ingesting or
breathing them is very bad for us, and even deadly?  Huffing is killing
more kids every day, and the materials need for it are perfectly legal to
purchase and use.  What we NEED to do is provide Education and Treatment.
 Educate people with the TRUTH about the harmfull things in our world,
and Treat the people who have developed a problem and Want to get help. 
You can't truely help someone who doesn't want it.

Thats all for now, I'm done.  Big breaths required. :)

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