On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 16:42:07 -0600 (CST) Michael
<mogmios at mlug.missouri.edu> writes:
> DivX;-) is pretty good really. Unless you have a digital screen (such 
> as a
> monitor) or like to pause and zoom in on the screen I doubt you'd 
> see a
> lot of difference. I certainly don't. However I am thinking of 

Well my PC was never equiped with a TV, only a monitor that went bad
fairly soon after purchase.  GRRR, To Hell with Compaq!!!!
If it really looks about as good as DVD quality, and sounds as good too,
then I guess it wouldn't be a very bad idea. :)  Those guys that are
trying to sell software that basicaly does the same as DivX should not be
able to make a proffit, at least when people find out about DivX and
compare. :)

> spending
> the $600 or so for a decent DVD burner. One thing I like about 
> vcd's,
> DivX;-) cd's, etc is I can throw out all those crappy extras. I want 
> the
> movies and only the movies.

I would rather have a DVD player/recorder.  I would really like to have a
PS2, cause I love the games for it and stuff.  I think the CD player
program on PS2 is not as good as the PSX player, but, oh well.

Some of the extras are pretty cool, like on the Shrek DVD I could see the
funny computer errors they encountered dureing production.  Heehe.  I
really like stuff like that.  I also really love blupers from movie
productions and stuff. :)

> I don't suffer from insanity... I enjoy every minute of it.

You don't huh. :)
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