On Primetime Thurstay, an ABC News magazine, or whatever you call it, I
became very upset at their story about "Alternative Medicine".  This guy,
a doctor, who is supposedly a Quack Buster, said that if a medical
treatment Works then it wouldn't be called an "Alternative Medicine" and
the whole show basicaly made it seem like ALL Alternative medicine is
scams, hoaxes, and cons done by greedy people who don't give a damn about
anyone or anything other than themselves and makeing money.

The whole last half of the show was like this, totaly one sided, totaly
against Alternative Medicine.

I was SOO ANGRY!!!  Why?  Because I KNOW for a FACT that there IS a cure
for CANCER, AIDS/HIV, and any number of other Virus or Bacteria based
illnesses.  And this stuff has been around for a VERY long time.  It is
called Cancema, or Black Salve, and was first discovered by Native
Americans (Indians) who used it to cure all kinds of illnesses.  I KNOW
that it works, not just because of all the overwhelming logic and
evidence that I have found in my research, but because my MOTHER used it
to litteraly burn her skin cancer away.  It is an Escharetic.  It only
has a very slight effect on normal tissue, but Cancer, Virus, and
Bacteria tissues and cells ALL get chemicaly burned up.  The dead remains
are then identified by the Immune System and disposed of.  The process
can be VERY painfull, and unless you use Vasseline or something you could
get major scars from the process.  But it is a LOT safer and a lot LESS
painfull than Chemo or Radiation or Surgery.  Not to mention WAY LESS

The Medical community is against ALL forms of Alternative medicine as
being a Replacement for their own products and services because THEY
charge LOTS of money and put you through hell.  They get RICH and go
golfing while Cancer patients get sick and die!!  They will only agree to
the use of Alternative Medicine when they are used as COMPLEMENTARY
Treatments.  In addition to the crap they want to put you through.  

They do so much CRAP it is rediculous.  Like removeing women's breasts
without really even trying to combat the cancer.  I think the Medical
community is full of greedy, liars.  Thats what I think.  And I think
they are murderers too, for performing operations or treatments that are
more likely to KILL the patients than to actualy help them in the long

I now call the Medical community in General the Orthodox Church of
Medicine.  Because that is how they are behaveing.  They are like the OLD
Catholic way of doing things.  Anyone who has a different idea or a
different way of doing things gets slamed, flamed, crushed and generaly
treated horribly.
And they are on a Holy Crusade against products like Cancema, and the
people who make them.  May they rott in HELL!!!!!

All I can say is, WTF!!!!!

Ok, I'm done with my rant. :)
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